Tag Archives: P6a

Literacy and ICT

P6a used IPads and the book creator app to successfully create comic books based upon the  Apollo11 missions or using an imaginative space theme. They used practical resources as models and creatively positioned toys, Lego, play doh and drawings of their own creation to create a story board and act out their story. They used the IPads to photograph scenes, find images, research facts and record movies.

The children chose to work in groups using skills of co-operation, compromise and communication.

All finished books can be acccessed via a link posted on the class Google classroom site.

Homework P6a

Homework has been assigned on Education city. All groups are working on the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) including the associated language of maths and words problems.  This should be completed daily between now and the October break until % has been achieved on all the assigned tasks.

In addition to this pupils are asked to complete  written calculation that will be assigned on Monday and collected on Friday. This should be completed in their Homework jotter.

Spelling homework will be issued on a Monday and collected on a Friday. The Friday assessment will focus on the rule as opposed to being a memory test of assigned words. All pupils have been issued list of  rules between now and the October break and the dates on which theses will be taught in class.

Pupils are encouraged to read for enjoyment daily and may borrow books from my class library to do so or they can read a book that they have a home.

Any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Nelson.

Term 1 2019

Welcome, to what is going to be a fantastic year for P6a!

Today the children settled into class well as they were learning all about being in the upper school and the expectations that that brings.

PE day will be a Tuesday and one other still to be confirmed.

Children are welcome to leave their PE kit and their locker and it will be sent home if muddy, sweaty or wet and at at each half term.

Could children also bring in old/ waterproof clothing for outdoor learning tasks. This can also be kept in their locker.

There is no homework assigned for this week to allow children to settle back into a routine after the holidays, however homework will be assigned via this blog so please check regularly for updates.

Today the pupils worked as groups investigating and discussing the UN charter for the rights of the child.  They identified 3 rights that each group felt were important. They collated the results and used their democratic right to vote to select the 3 rights that they wish to focus on this term. They selected Articles 15, 26 and 33 focusing on their rights to join organisations and have free speech, the right to receive financial aid from the government and the right to be protected from drugs.  Children also discussed their right to be safe, healthy and heard and from here formulated their class rules. Together these form the class charter of P6a which has been agreed to by each child.