All posts by Mrs Nelson

App design

P6a are very excited to be participating in the Make it Happen competition. Today they brainstormed ideas and created a brief outline of their app’s storyline. They created a title, logo and visual representation of their app.

From here they streamlined and redrafted their app ready for submission.

European Presentations

Pupils have selected a European country to focus on this term. They have researched a variety of aspects of the country and created a factfile. from here they used their research to create a PowerPoint or SWAY that they presented to the class to share their knowledge and all the interesting information that they found out.



P6a have been issued their spelling words until the end of term. As per the previous term pupils can select the method of practicing these and learning the spelling rule. Weekly assessments will continue to be on a Friday. Maths homework is assigned via education city and pupils have until the end of term to complete all 12 games.

Any questions, please contact me.


Handball tournament

P6 participated in a handball tournament at St Luke HS. This is part of their transition to high school as they were able to become more familiar with the building and meet and play with other children from the cluster primaries.

Burns assembly

The children successfully performed their poem “Raindraps” and song “Dance the yer Daddy”.

We are lucky to have two groups of talented dancers who performed a Highland dance for the school.

Upcoming activities

Thursday 30th January- Taekwando taster session

Monday 3rd February – Outdoor learning. Bring waterproof jacket & wellies/ old shoes that are able to get dirty.

Thursday 6th February- Handball tournament. Bring PE kit, Waterproof jacket, trainers, Packed lunch.

Script Writing

P6a have started their new novel”The Witches” by Roald Dahl. They used their reading skills to create images of a witch based on the description in the novel. They then created scripts with a partner to inform the public of the characteristics of a witch.

They acted these out and recorded them with Ipads.

These have been uploaded onto the class Google classroom for viewing.