All posts by Miss McAnally

Black Lives Matter Presentations Part 3 – Growth Mindset!

We all know how challenging it can be to stand up in front of others and speak or deliver a presentation. Some people thrive in that environment while others find it very daunting. We’re all so different! I’m so proud of the amazing growth mindset of the pupils of P7a who persevered and shared their amazing learning with the class this week. A huge step out some of their comfort zones. BRAVO!

Miss Mac.

Outdoor Learning – HWB and Social Studies

Today we started thinking about creating protest style posters inspired by the artist Bob & Roberta Smith. We wondered how we could use our great outdoor space to get our messages out there into the school community. We explored the school environement and came to some conclusions. We’ve included an example of Bob & Roberta Smith’s amazing typography work so that you can imagine what we’ll be making. We’ve been so inspired to share our voices through our Black Lives Matter topic.

Student of the Week – Mia!

Well done to Mia who is this week’s Student of the Week in P7a! Mia has been working so hard to personalise her learning and to find ways to challenge herself. Her classmates have added their thoughts below! Kee up the high standards, Mia!

Black History Month Presentations

Last month the children took inspiration from our Black History Month presentations and undertook a project on a figure who they found inspirational. So far we have had stop motion videos, slideshows, spoken word poems, artwork and speeches of the highest quality. We can’t wait to hear the rest of them this week and to learn from you!

Helpful Numeracy Websites

There are lots of Numeracy websites and resources that can be accessed at home at that can help improve mental agility. Having quick and accurate recall of Multiplication and Division facts is vital within P7. We have to apply this knowledge within a range of Mathematical contexts and so if this knowledge isn’t quickly accessed it can cause some barriers to new areas of learning. Likewise, having confident number bond knowledge is such an advantage. Practise makes perfect, boys and girls! 🙂

Hit the Button

Flash Maths – Two Minute Tables

Flash Maths – Memory Maths

MathsBot – Number of the Day

Happysoft – Countdown game

Education City – Classwork Folder

Daily Rigour – Question of the Day

Daily Rigour – Weekly Newspaper edition questions



Student of the Week – Aimee!

I’m pleased to say that Aimee is our most recent Student of the Week! She is relentless in her pursuit of high standards and adopts a pro-active approach within all tasks. Please read the lovely things that her classmates have to say about her on our window…

Black History Month Presentations

I will be issuing the specific success criteria soon in terms of volume, body language etc, but in the  meantime get researching, boys and girls. Who will you choose?! Some people have already mentioned Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Maya Angelou….

Parents and carers, it would be amazing if you could support the children in this task and encourage them to push and extend themselves even further. 🙂

Poetry Unit of Study!

Today P7 completed their first poem in their new unit of study. We will be building up our skills in applying figurative language (such as simile, metaphor and personification) and will also be looking to be innovative with structure and style. We’ll post more soon!