All posts by Miss McAnally


We have been working hard to bring our imaginative stories to life by creating intriguing, full-rounded characters! To do this we are trying to SHOW what our characters are like rather TELLING. We first focused on actions and speech. The finishes stories contained characters that really leapt off the page. Great job, guys! Miss Mac.

Make £5 Grow!

We received our  5 pounds for our enterprise topic (Make £5 Grow! ) today which was another big step in our projects! Groups are now ordering items or putting the finishing touches to their products! Exciting! Look our for our products soon on Twitter! Blogged by~ Mia


Today we were comparing costs of different supermarkets for some key products. We were trying to figure out which items were a better deal and why! We also found out that there are some tricky challenges in comparing costs. we have to look at the grams and millilitres too as products can be different sizes! ~ by Mia

Make £5 Grow – Enterprise!

Today we spent lots of time on our Enterprise topic and were discussing our ideas. We have about 7 groups and we were trying to figure out how much our resources cost and decide on catchy business names etc. We’re all aiming to make big profits! Blogged by Mia

PE~ Athletics

Today In PE we were doing the long jump, our target was to get a good length and then try beat it every time we went again. We altered between standing jumps and running jumps. Nearly everyone beat their original length achieved!  ~Blog by Mia

The Holocaust – ‘Found Poems’

A huge thanks to P7a for the hard working manner in which they have returned to school.

We are now completing our Unit of Study on World War 2 by focusing on the Holocaust. After having learned some key facts about The Holocaust, we then focused on listening to the testimonies of people who actually lived through this horrific event. We took careful notes and used the EXACT words of a variety of people from different countries and created ‘Found Poems’ out of their memories and feelings. This taught us so much about the world and the way in which we must learn from what has happened before us….

It was such a powerful experience for us to hear what people saw, heard and experienced. The following poems are a snapshot of their authentic stories, told in those people’s EXACT words. We’re proud to keep their stories alive.

P7A and P7B debate!

Yesterday, P7a and P7b debated the following motion:

The experience for black people in America has vastly improved since the civil rights movement.

The children were so thoughtful, skilled and poised! It really brought together all of the learning that both classes have been undertaking since August.


Kara – Student of the Week!

Well done to Kara! Kara is our most recent Student of the Week in P7a! Kara is a highly organised and motivated learner! She sets high expectations for herlsf and is a great example to her peers. Have a look at what her classmates had to say about her….

Let’s debate!

P7a are continuing to develop their debating skills! We have now split into four groups and are preparing to debate two different motions. The first motion came from Johnny: “Everyone should become vegan.” The second was Stephanie’s idea: “Fireworks should be banned in the UK.” After we undertake these two debates we will be ready to take part in an inter-class debate against Miss Queen’s P7 class on a subject related our recent Black Lives Matter topic.

Hot Air Balloon Debate – Talking & Listening Task

we started work on preparing persuasive arguments so that we can debate with each other. The children were given a profession of a person who is in hot air balloon that is out of control and headed for a deserted island. If two people don’t jump overboard then the balloon will not make it to the island. We’ll let you know who the class decides should take the jump!

Update – After appraising the arguments and rebuttals, the artists and social workers were voted off the balloon. Well done everyone, very persuasive arguments on display!