St Marks STEAM Podcast

Congratulations to our digitil leaders and Lee H in particular for setting up a STEAM Podcast and intervewing a civil servant who has been helping solve Covid related problems in the country. That is such an intresting job! It was so professional and your voices were so high energy. Thank you digital leaders for working really hard on this. Looking forward to the next ep! Blog by ~ Mia

Year Book Photos

Just a wee reminder to Parents/Carers that I need any final P1/P7 contrast photos for the Year Book by the end of the week if possible. If there is any problem in finding a P1 photo then one from P2/P3 and a P7 will be fine. If these can’t be found don’t worry we’ll just take a P7 only shot in class.

Many thanks for your continued support! The Year Book is going to be fab! – Miss Mac

Laudato Si’ Week

We spoke about Pope Francis’ open letter ‘Laudato Si’ ‘today thought about the following  question arising from it:

What kind of world do we want to leave for future generations?

We then had a class discussion about how we can help to contribute to this powerful outcome.

Leaver’s Hoodies

Today we received our Leaver’s Hoodies and it’s fair to say that we were a WEE BIT EXCITED! We can’t wait to wear them during our activity week. 🙂 We’re going to make the most of our last weeks in St. Mark’s and savour every moment! – Miss Mac


We have been working hard to bring our imaginative stories to life by creating intriguing, full-rounded characters! To do this we are trying to SHOW what our characters are like rather TELLING. We first focused on actions and speech. The finishes stories contained characters that really leapt off the page. Great job, guys! Miss Mac.

Make £5 Grow!

We received our  5 pounds for our enterprise topic (Make £5 Grow! ) today which was another big step in our projects! Groups are now ordering items or putting the finishing touches to their products! Exciting! Look our for our products soon on Twitter! Blogged by~ Mia


Today we were comparing costs of different supermarkets for some key products. We were trying to figure out which items were a better deal and why! We also found out that there are some tricky challenges in comparing costs. we have to look at the grams and millilitres too as products can be different sizes! ~ by Mia