The Holy Spirit – RERC

P7 have been learning how to handle the Bible with reverence and to locate and anaylse key passages. We looked especially at the passages in which Luke details Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit. Many of us are looking forward to making our Confirmation this year!


P7 really enjoyed their first virtual assembly with Mr Hutcheson and Mrs Neil. In the assembly we talked about a growth mindset and that we should not give up. We also learned about being responsibile in our playground. We enjoyed that we could discuss  the topics during the assembly and we also enjoyed the song at the end.

By Don and Aaron L

Student of the Week – Luke!

Luke is our most recent Student of the Week! Luke has set good standards for himself so far this term and is working hard to bounce back from minor disappointments that we can all sometimes find tricky. Especially when we’ve been off school for so long! Take a look at the thouhgts of his peers. Keep setting high standards, Luke!

PE in P7!

Our PE days for this term will be a Monday and a Friday. In line with recommendations, we are going to try to get outside for PE unless the weather is extremely bad. Please try and bring appropriate clothing for this. In the coming weeks we are hopefully going to get some sunny and warm PE days too (fingers crossed!) so just a reminder that plain t-shirts of school colours are preferable.

Thanks! Miss Mac.