P6a were learning all about musical notes and high/low tones today.
They worked as a group to practice using different instruments to follow sheet music.
P6a have been designing and creating windmills from next to a strict criteria. They had to plan out their design and then adapt this as they encountered problems  in creating their windmill.
Each windmill had to be:
At least 30cm tall
have 3-6 blades
blades had to turn
independently support itself.
Children built upon skills and knowledge they had previously learned when looking at bridges and creating thir Ferris wheels.
P6a researched various aspects of Maths from the history to the influence of the Greeks & Egyptians to Chinas influence today.
They researched famous Mathematicians and discovered close relationships with the sciences and art and understood what STEM or indeed STEAM subjects are linked together.
They created posters of their findings and confidently presented these to the class.