P6a had a wonderful retreat at St John’s Church!

We participated in Mass conducted by Father Joe in the Church. We then went to the Church hall where we lhad the opportunity to listen to Father Terry speak about his missionary work. We participated in Guided Meditation  and heard the story of The Good Samaritan. The Caritas pupils from StLuke’s high school then helped us prepare a drama which we performed for other pupils.

Gruel Vs Porridge

As part of their Victorian topic, P6a compared the diets of modern day Scots to that of the Victorian Scots.

They worked in groups to follow a traditional gruel recipe from a Victorian cookbook and a Scottish porridge recipe.

They then discussed the differences and similarities in appearance, smell, texture and taste.

Victorian Inventors

The children have been learning all about The Industrial Revolution and the extent of innovation and inventions that occurred during the Victorian era.

They decided to focus on Scottish inventors during this time period. They researched information, facts and images and discussed how these inventions had shaped modern life and had an impact on future inventions.

The children took notes as they researched and then created posters to share their findings with others.

Knex STEM challenge

The children worked in groups to discuss and plan how they were going to meet the challenge that they had been set.

After they had designed their Ferris wheel, they began structural work. This involved adapting their design and making improvements as they used their problem solving strategies to build their model. They groups were using language of engineering as their design brief involved them creating a movable, sturdy structure. There was a lot of mathametical language use, particularly involving shape and number.

The children presented their final product to the class and assessed their performance, design, and teamwork skills. They discussed what had worked well and what they would do differently next time.

Maths and nursing

Mrs Kennedy set us a wonderful task where she explained the importance and use of numbers in nursing. P6a learned how to record temperature, blood pressure, fluid intake/outtake, pulse and respiration.