How Does Fertiliser Affect the Growth of Plants?

In science, we created our own investigation to see what affect fertiliser has on the growth of plants.  We planted the same number of spinach seeds in 3 different sections of our planter.  However, we added no fertiliser to one section, two handfuls of fertiliser to the next section and 4 handfuls to the third section.  We then measured and recorded the height of spinach in each section every week to observe any differences.


Maths Week – P.E.

P7a had great fun using our maths skills to play and create games during maths week.  We used skills in measurement, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction to play games like chaos tig and cups and saucers.  It helped us to realise how much we use maths in other subjects and activities.


The Icon

We were lucky enough to have the Icon, marking 100 years of catholic teaching in Scotland, in St Mark’s this term.  We looked closely and identified all the details within the Icon and enjoyed hearing the meaning behind them from Father Joe.  The Icon really helped us to focus while we were praying.


Cooking with our Crops

After harvesting vegetables from our school garden, P7a had great fun creating their own soup recipes!  The pupils were very creative with their ingredients and showed off their great cooking skills.


Learning Buddies

Our amazing P7 pupils have been working with some of our younger pupils to improve and develop their reading and maths skills.  P7’s have been really enjoying this experience and so have the younger pupils.  One way that we have been doing this is that we have been telling the pupils to read the book then the words that they got stuck on.  We would write the word down and tell them to spell it out.


Trip to Finlaystone!

At our first P7 trip we went to Finlaystone Country Park.  When we got there we played in the parks and got very muddy.  Then a ranger came and took us to a place where we were learning to build a den.  Me and my friend Nina built a den that looked like a tipi.  We laid sticks on and covered it in leaves to make it rain proof.