End of Year


We have made it to the end of the year! Thank you to all the parents and carers who helped at events throughout the year including attending mass with us, coming to our Community Cafe and continually supporting us.

Well done to all the pupils in Primary 4 for their continued hard work and achievements.

Also thank you for your lovely gifts and cards. I hope you all have a wonderful summer and a rest before you return in August.

A very sincere thank you from Miss McCann, Mrs Robertson and myself.

MissMckay, over and out!

Our Community Café

Our café is mind-blowing and provides outdoor seating so you can enjoy the sunshine after school.  Our café vision is to run a Family Friendly, Fairtrade and offer a healthy option. Next week will be our last week of the café.

The café has so far sold Banana Bread, Scones, Banana Splits and Strawberries with Ice cream. All our treats are homemade – as far as possible-  and we have been developing our baking, measuring and timekeeping skills when preparing these treats.

Cafe Baking Scones

Each week we have had different roles at the café, which include handling money, completing orders, keeping the café clean and entertaining younger children in our Kid’s area.

The money raised has gone towards our Vikingar Trip and we are sure we will find an exciting way to spend any money left over.

Happy Customers

Please join us next Thursday 9th June 3pm -4pm for our final café!


Primary 4