Week beginning – 7th March

There will be no literacy or maths homework due to the Reconciliation on Wednesday Evening and Parent’s Night on Thursday. Parent’s night appointments were sent home Friday 4th March.

The pupils preparing for their Sacrament of Reconciliation should be practising their Act of Sorrow and Confiteor regularly. They should also be discussing this Sacrament with their parents and considering the format of the Confession. Pupil practised this with Father Paul and Father Micheal today and this has been discussed regularly in class.

The Format for the Children

 Make the Sign of the Cross

 Say:     ‘Bless me Father for I have sinned. This is my First Confession.’

 Tell the Priest your sins.

 Listen – while the Priest tells you your penance and gives you absolution (Forgiveness).

 Say an Act of Contrition (Sorrow).

Oh my God, because you are so good,

I am very sorry that I have sinned against you

And I will try not to sin again.


Say – ‘Thank you, Father.’

Then go light a candle, kneel in front of Our Lady’s Altar and say your penance quietly. Once finished return to your seat, and remain quiet and attentive for the rest of the Service.  

Please remember pupils should attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation in full school uniform. Pupils will sit together on the right hand side of the church.

Mrs Robertson