On Thursday, Primary Four made bread after receiving a letter from Queen Jessica challenged us to make medieval bread. We had to read the recipe carefully, measure the ingredients accurately using scales and work with a group. We had to use mathematic language such as millilitres, grams and kilograms, we also know the time we put our bread in and work out what time it was to come out.
Ornella “I enjoyed measuring the sugar.”
Daniel “I enjoyed tasting the homemade bread.”
Madox “I liked putting the sultanas through the bread.”
Lucy “I liked folding the bread because it was fun making bread with my friends.”
When our bread was ready we had a taste test in Primary 4a’s class. Mrs Fitzsimmons tasted both our bread in a blind taste test. She enjoyed both breads, she said Primary 4a’s bread would be good with cheese and for sandwiches and Primary 4B’s bread would be good with soup or stew on a winter’s night.
We all enjoyed the opportunity to bake bread and will be writing our bread recipes next week.
G Mckay
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