Head Teacher Awards

Congratulations to our Head Teacher winners,  Vanessa Morrison and Leo Docherty.

Vanessa created a wonderful piece of artwork. She used warm colours to create a stunning sunset behind a papercut of a lone windmill.

Leo wrote a firework rhyming poem achieving all of the success criteria identified by Miss McKay.

Mrs Robertson

Times Tables – Homework Flashcards

We have started our focus on times tables using flashcards to promote rapid recall and accuracy of answers, this has replaced the written homework sheet. We have been using our flashcards in school and at home. Pupils are very much enjoying this active approach to practising their times table.

Games which pupils have been playing at home include:
– muddling up the times tables and answering the questions in different orders
– sticking the flashcards on the wall and splatting the correct answers
– laying out the flashcards on the floor and matching flashcards to the correct answers
– answering the answer with the question instead of the question with the answer
– competing against a friend or sibling to answer the question first

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In class, we continue to practise our times tables by exploring patterns in numbers, playing interactive games, chanting and singing our times tables.

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Primary 4b and Miss Mckay

Parent’s Night


Thank you to all the parents who braved the weather last night and joined us for Parent’s night. Here are a couple of websites which you may find useful:


Mathematics and Numeracy

 • Number bonds and Times table practise

Real Estate Investing: Getting Started

Resources for shape, measure, money and more

Literacy and English

Reading, Grammar, Punctuation, Writing and Spelling resources


Reading words

Miss G Mckay

Primary 4B – Art

Primary 4B have been celebrating the Turner Prize coming to Glasgow by looking at Scottish contemporary artists. They loved the bold colours used in Jolomo’s paintings and were inspired to replicate the cottage and lighthouse scenes. Pupils enjoyed mixing colours and exploring how shades effect the emotions of their painting. We then created our own ‘artist’ names using the first two letters from our first, second and surnames. Here are a selection of our paintings.

Collage 1

Collage 2

Collage 3

Collage 4

If you are interested in seeing the paintings which inspire Primary Four, Jolomo is exhibiting work in the Mitchell Library, Glasgow during 20 -26th November (excluding Sunday 22nd November).

Miss G Mckay

Father Paul’s Visit

On Thursday Father Paul gave up his time to come and talk to us about the Sacrament of Baptism. He told us about the Baptism service. He showed us three special oils, there was one for the sacrament of the sick, one for Baptism and a Chrism oil also used for Baptism. He also talked about Holy water and how it symbolises your sins being washed away. He showed us the record of Baptism which the church keeps. At the end of the visit we got to smell one of the oils and it smelled like a perfume.

He came into school to talk to us as part of our Faith Journey in preparation for our Sacraments this year.


Thank you very much Father Paul for visiting us.

Primary 4b and Miss Mckay

Primary 4 – Science

Have you seen the moon?

By safely observing and recording the moon at various times, I can describe their patterns of movement. SCN 1-06a

As part of our science topic this term we are learning about the phases of the moon. During November and December the darker nights make it an ideal time for pupils to try and spot all phases of the moon.


See below for dates of the main phases.

3rd November 11th November 19th November 25th November 3rd December
Last Quarter New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter

We would appreciate your continued support in encouraging pupils to look out for the different phases.

Miss G. McKay