NNC Friday Bundle 25.03.22

Hello again

Another beautiful, sunny week for our nursery children! They have been exploring our outdoor environments and looking for signs of new life. The spring bulbs are beginning to flower, the leaves on the trees are budding and we have even seen some bees starting to buzz around!

Nursery Photographs
We’re delighted to share with you that Jane Henderson, a local photographer, will be coming to Netherlee Nursery Class to take individual photographs of your children. These photographs will be taken outdoors, whenever possible, so we’re hoping the sun will continue to shine! In the case of inclement weather, we will arrange for the photographs to be taken indoors.

Jane will be here from Monday 28th March and will work through until Friday 1st April. She will be in both the Acorns and the Saplings buildings every morning that week.

We will do our very best to include all children in the photographs but this may not be possible if a child is not at nursery during Jane’s time with us.

Once all the photographs have been taken, proofs will be sent home and orders can then be placed if you would like to purchase the photographs. Details regarding the ordering and cost of individual photographs will be sent home in due course along with the timescales for orders.

If you do not wish your child to have an individual photograph taken, please let the school office know via the usual nursery email by Monday 28th March.

Netherlee PTA Newsletter
Our PTA have created a lovely Sway showcasing achievements over the past 2 years. You can view this here.   Please also have a read over the lovely words from Fiona, PTA Co- Chair, ahead of the AGM here.

Stepping Stones Program
ERC schools have been asked by the National Autistic Society to share the below with parents.

The Stepping Stones project was created by the East Renfrewshire branch and has been commended in the UK Parliament by MP Kirsten Oswald. Stepping Stones aims to support parents/carers in the early stages of learning about autism, helping them to support their child/young person and learn about local East Renfrewshire services that may be of interest to them. Your child or young person does not need to have received a diagnosis to attend as we understand the diagnostic journey can be long. If your child has received a diagnosis then this project is best suited to those who have received the diagnosis within the last 2 years or those on the diagnostic pathway.

When and where?
The programme lasts 4 sessions and will be run once a week using Zoom. To find out more and to register please click here. https://forms.office.com/r/yR9q8wh8rf

Upcoming Holiday
We would like to remind everyone that nursery closes for the spring holiday next week, with our last day being Friday 1st April.  We are of course open until 6pm as normal however, should you wish to collect your child any earlier whilst picking up siblings from school,  we ask that you pick up either before 2.15pm or after the school playgrounds are clear from around 2.40pm.  Thank you for your help and understanding with this.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Mrs Lynn Sweeney (DHT)
Netherlee Primary School