NNC Friday Bundle 28.01.22

Hello everyone

As the mornings and evenings start to become lighter, in nursery we are all looking for the first signs of spring such as bulbs growing, birds singing and brighter weather. Some of the children on extended hours have noticed the difference in their evenings at nursery too- they don’t think it’s bedtime at 3.45pm anymore!

Have you had a clear out lately? We are always really grateful of bits and bobs that we can use for crafts in nursery. Children are so imaginative and use a variety of boxes, packaging, buttons etc. to create masterpieces. Your old shoebox may be rubbish to you, or a piece of old ribbon may no longer be useful at home but to a child these items may be a treasure chest or a fishing rod and are really appreciated by us in nursery.  Thank you.

Chinese New Year
We’re looking forward to lots of celebration during the week ahead as children learn more about Chinese New Year. We’ll try some stir-fried vegetables and noodles and will be challenged while using chopsticks
Netherlee Primary School’s pupil led Diversity and Equalities group has kindly invited nursery children to be part of a Chinese New Year Dragon Dance on Tuesday 1st Feb.
Mrs Greig and Mrs Flower, our resident Bookbug leaders, will post on Google Classroom a special Chinese New Year Bookbug session on Thursday to celebrate the Chinese Zodiac ‘Year of the Tiger’.  Look out on Twitter to get a snapshot of all this fun!

Scottish Government Guidance
We would respectfully remind you that face coverings continue to be required in outdoor crowded places, such as school and nursery gates and entrances.
We of course appreciate that some people may be exempt from doing so however very much appreciate that, if you are not exempt, you help everyone to keep safe by wearing a face covering at busy drop off and pick up times.  For latest COVID-19 guidance from NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government, including ongoing protective measures, how to get a COVID test and how/ when to self-isolate. https://www.nhsinform.scot/

Nursery Menu
Nursery lunches are proving very popular with our children. We’ve even had children running after Michelle, our cook, to thank her for the lovely food! Michelle has really established herself as a very popular member of our nursery team in a very short time. We are so grateful for the time and thought she puts in to making sure that our hot lunches are both delicious and nutritious.  Our nursery menu is available: https://www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/nursery-menu
The first day back after any holiday is always Monday’s menu for that week. Normal menu days follow thereafter during the week.
We would like to remind you that we have an In-service day on Friday 4th Feb (only staff to attend) and are on holiday Monday 7th Feb and Tuesday 8th Feb.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) & Angela Kerr (PT)