Bonjour à tous!
As you may know, some of our nursery and school staff visited France for an educational trip and since returning they have been sharing their learning with our nursery children. The children have been listening to some French vocabulary within their play experiences and have even been having a go themselves! Très bien.
We have also started Forest Adventures with our pre-school children this week. The children and staff have had so much fun exploring Linn Park. We have been taking part in lots of activities, such as picking wild garlic and sliding down mud hills. We even spotted a frog- did you see that fantastic tweet on our Twitter feed? Please do follow us at @sand_nc where we’ve shared photos of some of the fun that the children have had.
Nursery Stay and Play and Parents Evening Appointments
Please be reminded that our Nursery Stay and Play sessions start week beginning 9th May. Sign-up sheets for the sessions are now available at the nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date/time to come along to join your child having fun playing with all the wonderful experiences we enjoy in Netherlee! We would kindly ask that only one adult accompanies each child for these sessions. Also, younger siblings should not attend if at all possible.
This year, parents evening appointments for children starting school in August will take place in person. Sign-up sheets will be made available from next week and will take place from Monday 16th – Thursday 19th May and Monday 23rd – Thursday 26th May.
New Website Launch
We are delighted to announce that we will be launching our new school and nursery website on Wednesday, 4th May. My office staff have been working hard to give our website a much needed revamp and we hope that parents find this new look more visual and user friendly. We would like to thank members of the Parent Council and PTA for all their help and input in helping to create this with us. We would kindly ask that if you have any comments or suggestions of further improvements or things you would find useful to have included on the website at any time please use this link.
School Uniform Recycling
To support families with children starting school in August, a pre-loved school uniform rail of smaller items will be made available at the Acorns and Saplings nursery entrances. Please pop along to pick up any items that are in very good condition. Each week until the end of term, the rails will be available from a Friday morning, just after 9am, and will remain in nursery until the Wednesday when they will be taken away to be restocked and then brought back each Friday. Thank you to one of our parents for this wonderful suggestion!
Holiday and In-service
We hope you have a lovely long weekend and remind you that nursery is closed on Monday 2nd May for the Bank Holiday and on Thursday 5th May for the local election and staff In-service/ training day.
Yvonne Donaldson (HT), Lynn Sweeney, DHT, Jennifer McCann (PT)