NNC Friday Bundle 17.12.20

Hello everyone


After the challenges over the past few months….we have made it to the holidays!  It has certainly been a very different first half of the school and nursery year and, although very stressful at times, everything has been made easier because of your support, patience and understanding, our children’s cheerful outlook and the dedication and care of our wonderful staff team.


We would like to thank all parents and carers for having faith in the systems in place to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid 19 and for trusting the staff to look after your children since returning in August.  We are very aware that you may have been anxious about many factors such as the safety of your children, their return to nursery after being at home during Lockdown, starting nursery when they hadn’t visited, about restrictions and changes in hours. We were prepared for tears and worry in August, from both children and parents, but were really reassured at how resilient, supportive and adaptable everyone was.


You will be comforted while watching  your child coming into nursery happily laden with a backpack, lunch bag, wellies, waterproofs, knowing that they feel happy, safe, nurtured and are thrivingWe hope that you have been reassured by staff during our recent phone calls, proudly watched your child’s performance on Google Classroom, seen evidence of the learning and fun they have in their Special Books and enjoyed seeing snapshots of the children’s day on Twitter or our Learning Experience Sway.  


We would like to say a huge thank you for the kind words in person, cards and emails we have received, these are very much valued and appreciated by us as we close the door on a very tough 2020 and move towards a hopeful 2021.


So…all that is really left for us to say is that we hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday, stay safe, look after each other and make special memories. We hope that if the holiday period includes celebrating Christmas, although celebrations may be very different this year, you do have an extremely happy Christmas. 


Wishing you, your family and the Netherlee Community a “Healthy and Happy New Year, 2021” when it comes. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday 5th January 2021.

PES leaflet

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson (Head Teacher) and Mrs Angela  Kerr Principal Teacher