Tag Archives: Securing Devices

NPFS Learning At Home Nutshell

In Tuesday’s update we mentioned a  “refreshed nutshell” for Learning at Home in Lockdown which  emphasizes the importance of working in partnership with our schools, reaching out to ask for support from them if and when we need it.

Our children are likely to be spending more time online so we need to ensure that they’re safe, happy and resilient while doing so, so please look at our Online Safety and Securing your Device nutshells.

Remembering to protect our own mental health and wellbeing is not easy as “remote learning” can cause tensions and anxiety. Be kind to each other and yourself. We are all doing the best we can under these circumstances.

The Nutshell on Learning At Home to support parents and carers across Scotland is now live and you can find out more here:

The Nutshell is downloadable from our website and signposts parents and carers to appropriate info, resources and guidance – all in one handy place!