Tag Archives: Charity

Five-A-Side Football Tournament

Fixtures have been put up in the PE department and outside lab A14 (Science). Pupils are reminded that they must bring a packed lunch as there will not be time to use the canteen. Pupils should be ready to begin their matches at 1.15pm. Late comers will not be allowed entry!  If you would like to support the teams please come along to the games hall – £1.00 entry.

Charities Week

Charities Week begins next Monday (31st October). The usual range of activities will be on offer, as well as a few surprises.  Details of the activities are displayed on the many posters around the school and in the special handouts which will be distributed during lunchtimes this week in the Open Area and the Dining Hall.

Tickets for the lunchtime shows are on sale every day this week in the Open Area during lunchtimes.  Price is £1.50 per ticket.  Please note that only pupils who are ‘On Colour’ may purchase tickets.  You are advised to buy your tickets early in the week as they sell very quickly.  Details of the acts for each of the shows are on display on the notice board beside the Theatre.

Charities Week

Charities Week – starts on Monday 31st October.

Every year the pupils at Mearns Castle raise large amounts of money during this week by taking part in many different and imaginative activities.  Last year, almost £7000 was raised and subsequently disbursed among a number of charities, each chosen by the pupils themselves.

Click here to read the letter sent home informing parents about the events during the week.

Bin it to Win it

‘Bin it to Win it’ is back! Members of the Eco project will be selecting random bins on random days of the week to supervise. They will select a number e.g. 10 and if you are the 10th person to put your rubbish in the bin while it is being supervised you will win a queue jump for you and a friend as well as 5 house points.  Remember, you have to BIN IT TO WIN IT!

Charities Week

Charities Week will take place at the end of this month – Monday 31st October until Friday 4th November.
We urgently need pupils to fill the slots in each of the lunchtime shows that week – we are looking for singers, dancers, instrumentalists, bands, comedians, jugglers, acrobats, unicyclists – you name it ! As long as it is entertaining, we want it in the shows.
You need to be quick, however. To appear in one of the shows, you need to get an application form from Mr O’Donnell (Room F3, Maths), complete the form and hand it back to him by next Thursday at the latest.

Charities Week will take place at the end of this month – Monday 31st October until Friday 4th November.
We urgently need pupils to fill the slots in each of the lunchtime shows that week – we are looking for singers, dancers, instrumentalists, bands, comedians, jugglers, acrobats, unicyclists – you name it ! As long as it is entertaining, we want it in the shows.
You need to be quick, however. To appear in one of the shows, you need to get an application form from Mr O’Donnell (Room F3, Maths), complete the form and hand it back to him by next Thursday at the latest.

Charities Week

Charities Week will take place at the end of this month – Monday 31st October until Friday 4th November.

We urgently need pupils to fill the slots in each of the lunchtime shows that week – we are looking for singers, dancers, instrumentalists, bands, comedians, jugglers, acrobats, unicyclists – you name it ! As long as it is entertaining, we want it in the shows.

You need to be quick, however. To appear in one of the shows, you need to get an application form from Mr O’Donnell (Room F3, Maths), complete the form and hand it back to him by next Thursday at the latest.