Christmas Jumper Fund Raiser

Mr Moghul in the Mathematics department was judged to be wearing the ‘best’ Christmas Jumper on Monday

Mr Moghul being presented with his scroll by Kate Jarvie

The Jumper competition was part of a series of events that took place on Monday to raise money for the Save the Children Typhoon Appeal.

The event was organised by Kate Jarvie of S2. As well as wearing of Christmas jumpers Kate organised a bake sale, lunchtime sing-a-long and best class Christmas jumper competitions.

As far over £860 has been raised.  A great BIG well done and thanks to all who contributed especially Kate for arranging the day.

S1 Enterprise 4 U Group

Looking for the perfect Christmas Gift!- come along to the Open Area every break and lunchtime up to Christmas (or until we sell out!!) to purchase our wonderful UV Bracelets. The bracelets are ideal for boys and girls and contain some UV beads which change colour when you go out in the sun so let you know when you need to apply suntan lotion.

The bracelets are priced at £1.50 or £2.00 if you wish a customised bracelet with a name of your choice.

S1 Pupils

On the afternoon of Tuesday 17th December all S1 pupils will be involved in the S Factor event. This will be an opportunity to celebrate Scottish heritage within many subject areas.

If you produce a piece of work such as a poster or poem in class and would like to showcase this at the event please see Mrs Nicklin in D11 or Mr Wyroslawski in D18.

Also if you would like to perform in any way – highland dancing, musical instrument, recite a poem etc we would also love to see you! Also remember to enter the shortbread making competition!!

French Drama Club

Are you a born actor ?  Do you love drama?  Would you like to improve your confidence in French ?

Come and join the French Drama Club where we will act out a modern adaptation of Cinderella in French.

With our piece we will enter the Rencontres Theatrales, an inter-school drama competition organised by the Institut Français d’Ecosse.

It’s the perfect occasion to come practice that French accent and have fun !

If you are interested come and sign up in Miss Sanchez’s room in D5. Open to pupils from S1-S3.

East Renfrewshire Council

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