Young Football Journalist Competition 2013/14

The final report for the 8 finalists is due to be submitted to Mr Murphy by Monday 31st March. The report MUST be on the Partick Thistle v Aberdeen game that we attended on Saturday 22nd February. It should be within the 500 word limit and if possible be word processed (If you do not have access to home computer or printer then please see me in PE Dept so that I can arrange access for you).

There will be two winners – S1/S2 winner and S3 winner. Winners will receive £25 gift vouchers for Silverburn.

School clubs

There are still spaces available in the following lunchtime clubs, it would be great if you could join in. Please see Mr. Brown if you intend to come along.

Tuesday: S1-S2 Handball in the old gym (See Mr. Murphy)

Thursday: S1 – S6 Table Tennis in the new gym

Friday: S1-S4 Gymnastics in the new gym

World Challenge Expedition 2015 – Cambodia

The next World Challenge Expedition has been launched for the S4 year group. All pupils have been distributed with a letter and an application form. All interested pupils must return their signed applications to the office by Wednesday 12th March.

Please see the links below for the the presentation delivered to pupils by Miss Ferguson and a draft itinerary for the trip

Presentation – Click here

Draft Itinerary – Click here