Clothing and Uniform

Given that there is substantial parental and public approval of uniform, schools in East Renfrewshire encourage the wearing of school uniform.  In encouraging the wearing of uniform, account must be taken to prevent any direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of race or gender.  It should be noted that it is the policy of the Education Committee not to insist on pupils wearing uniform or having specialist items of clothing as a prerequisite to their attending and engaging in all of the activities of the curriculum.

The majority of our pupils do wear school uniform and this is the preference of the school and the Parent Council. East Renfrewshire Council have issued a Dressing for Excellence leaflet to all parents and last session our Parent Council sent home a Dressing for Excellence in Mearns Primary leaflet to parents.

The school blazer is navy blue and the basic colour of trousers, skirts and woollens is grey.  Children wear white shirts and the tie is navy with a thin diagonal white stripe.  Pupils may also wear navy sweatshirts with the school name and badge on them.  In colder weather a navy fleece with the school crest or a navy rain jacket with the school crest may also be worn.  Blazers, sweatshirts, fleeces and rain jackets can be purchased from the PTA.

There are forms of dress which are unacceptable in school, such as items of clothing which:

  • potentially, encourage faction (such as football colours)
  • could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans)
  • could cause health and safety issues such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings and large necklaces
  • tracksuits of flammable materials in practical classes
  • could cause damage to flooring such as high heeled shoes and trainers with wheels on the soles
  • carry advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco
  • could be used to inflict damage to other pupils or be used by others to do so


Parents receiving family income support, family credit, housing benefit or council tax rebates will normally be entitled to monetary grants for footwear and clothing for their children. Approval of any requests for such grants made by parents in different circumstances is at the discretion of the Director of Education.

Information and application forms may be obtained from Customer First, East Renfrewshire Council. Tel No 0141 577 3001

Parents are asked to assist in this area by ensuring that valuable items and expensive items of clothing are not brought to school. Parents should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items and any claims submitted are likely only to be met where the authority can be shown to have been negligent.


PE Kit

To allow children to enjoy PE activities, shorts, T-shirts and appropriate shoes should be provided. The wearing of suitable clothing and footwear is an important safety matter.  White short sleeved polo shirts with the school crest and navy shorts are also available through the PTA.

With increased PE we are now making greater use of our outdoor facilities and have added a school tracksuit to our uniform list.   Pupils can wear this or wear the tracksuit trousers with their school sweatshirt for outdoor PE.

We respect the religious and cultural requirements of all of our pupils and hope that the range of clothing within our uniform will allow these requirements to be met within the school dress code.


Pupils, whose ears are pierced, should remove earrings for their PE lesson. If earrings are studs and parents do not wish them removed, they should be taped over with micropore and parents should supply this tape.

Please name all items of clothing to ensure they are returned to pupils if left in changing rooms or the playground. Items found with no name will be put in the lost property cupboard next to the front door.  Parents and pupils can check this cupboard to search for missing unnamed items.





  • Yellow polo shirt with nursery logo
  • Navy fleece with nursery logo
  • Navy joggers









East Renfrewshire Council

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