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Draft Behaviour Policy

At Mearns Primary we pride ourselves on the positive ethos and behaviour of our pupils across the school. The pupils regularly have their achievements celebrated in class, at assemblies and on social media.


However, there are some occasions when incidents occur and we have to deal with issues in line with our school  behaviour policy. After discussions with teachers and pupils, we decided that it was time to update the policy to reflect the positive atmosphere with the school, as well as our work to embed the new school values.


We would appreciate if you could take a look at our draft policy and then complete this online Form to share your thoughts with us.


The draft policy will be piloted between now and the end of the academic year. After, we will take into account all our stakeholders views and modify the draft policy with the view of full implementation from August 2018.

Cross Country

A brilliant effort by the Mearns Cross Country Teams this morning at a snowy Rouken Glen.  There were 175 runners in the girls race and about 190 in the boys race which was run over a 2.5km course.

Mearns had two teams of four pupils in each race (16 runners altogether) and everybody did a fantastic job.  Special mention to Calan  and Eilidh who were second in their races.

And a huge thank you to Mr Tyler, Mr Peebles and Mrs Hughes for their commitment to the running club.

who both came second overall

Parental Engagement Survey

Dear Parent/Carer,

The schools within the Eastwood Cluster are looking to gather your thoughts about Numeracy and Literacy and the ways in which we can further support you and your child.

Could we please ask that you take a moment to complete the survey below as we are hoping to gather a wide range of data that we can use to plan events later in the year.

Eastwood Cluster – Parental Engagement Survey

Thank you again for your time and support.

House Dance-a-thon

Today was the  first of our house events – The Dance-a-thon.

Pupils came along in their houses to the games hall to wow the judges with their dancing. The pupils had a great time and enjoyed participating.

The winning house for P1–3 was Oak and for P4-7 was Cedar. The scores for all the houses will be added to their totals and put into the house token collector which will be

Congratulations to all involved and thank you to our judges, Joe and Adrienne from our pastoral team, Sarah Bird from Active Schools and Hannah and Danny from Eastwood High.