Results of Week 1 Car Park Survey

An update from Finlay, Katie and Hannah.

As part of our Clean Air Campaign an air monitor has been installed at the front of the school. This will assess air quality over the next four weeks.

This week Our Eco reps and Joint Road Safety Officers visited the school car park in the mornings as part of our campaign. Unfortunately, we saw a number of cars idling which means that they are parked but sitting with the engine running. This is not allowed and drivers can be given ‘on the spot fines’ of £20 by community wardens.

On Friday, a car blocked the bus lane which meant that children had to be ushered off the bus into the road area, rather than exiting the bus safely onto the pavement. On Tuesday, there were 11 cars parked in the bus lane. This delayed the school buses from dropping children off. In addition, we saw 10 cars who had parked on yellow lines. Please help us by parking responsibly and safely in our school car park.


Joint Road Safety Officers and the Eco Committee