Tag Archives: Technology

Walk About Talk About………….Robots

SDC11005 cam nov 155‘I was learning how to cut and colour’. Sarah McKenzie

‘I was learning how to build stuff. I made a robot’

Joseph Ottolini

cam nov 154‘I was learning about robot. I made mine with construction’ Fraser Tweedlie cam nov 153Robot Mania!
cam nov 144‘ Well….that iwas a digger…..I made it with Ben….I used the instructions’ Jamie McFarlane cam nov 145‘ I was telling Zaid what my robot does’ James Malcolm- Blyth
cam nov 147‘I was  making a robot and he was telling me about he moved’ Kenzie McKinnon cam nov 139”I was doing walk about talk about. I was choosing my favourite robot picture’ Mia Lafferty

Innovative Inventors

SDC11012‘I invented a cool thing and I wanted to show it to Mrs Toman.  It has eight wheels. It is a transformer’. Logan Hart SDC11007‘ It was a shape thing that I made. I done tyres at the bottm.  It looks like it is flying. It shoots out hot dogs  to people’ Blair Mann
SDC11008‘I was making a car with big wheels at the back and little wheels at the bottom’ James Malcolm – Blyth SDC11009‘I was learning to build. I made a giant crane.’ Oliver Rissmann
SDC11006‘I builded a lego robber and he robbed the bank to get all the jewls and the money’ Finlay Macdonald SDC10997‘I was making a helicopter out of construction’. Jamie McFarlane
SDC10999Bottom Left Text Here SDC11000Bottom Right Text Here

Blether about the weather…………

BLOG OCT 255“We were learning what way the wind was blowing” Sienna Leitch”To see if the wind is blowing or not.  Sarah from P3 told us how to make a wind turbine” Siona Sircar BLOG OCT 247“Anna from P3 . She was showing me how to work the windmill.  I showed her my windsock and I showed her how to do it” Jessica Mackessy
BLOG OCT 246“Anna from P3 showed me that it goes fast that way if there is more wind” Millie Taggart BLOG OCT 251“Dylan is my brother and I was learning about wind” Daisy McLean
BLOG OCT 253” I was learning about when socks can go in the wind and they can break in very strong winds.  My one didn’t break” Logan Hart

Heather and me were trying out each others windsock and wind turbine. Sophia Barclay
BLOG OCT 240“We were doing something working out which way the wind was going” Arlo Barsanti” I made it with long see through paper, glue and a tube.  I tied it with string. It moved to the East. Because that was the windiest way” Zaid Hadji BLOG OCT 237” I was wanting to tell which way the wind was going and I was hanging on the gate and the wind was blowing west” Jamie McFarlane