Tag Archives: Social Studies


We have been learning about mummification and how the Egyptians used a type of salt called natron to dry out and help preserve the mummy.

We conducted an experiment using 2 tomatoes.

First we weighed each tomato, then scooped out all of the seeds and juice. Next we covered one in a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and salt and left one with nothing on it.

After 2 weeks we looked at both tomatoes.

We found that the one that had been covered in the salt mixture was slightly lighter than the one that wasn’t. It’s skin had gone all hard and wrinkly. The other tomato had started to go mouldy and smelled horrible. The salt mixture had gone all hard as well as it had absorbed all of the liquid.


Money Trees

We have been finding out about all of the jobs Primary 3 pupils have been doing at home to earn money for their money trees.

Well done to all those that took part. We hope the children will continue to do their good deeds at home.

All money raised will be given to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Thank you to everyone for your support and donations.

The Great Kapok Tree

A very big thank you to all our visitors who came to support Primary 3 in their rainforest performance. We hope you all had a good time. The children all worked very hard and enjoyed learning all of the songs and making up the actions to accompany them.

Endangered Animals of the Rainforest

We had to find out information about an endangered animal of the rainforest and create a booklet, poster or PowerPoint to show the class. We listened carefully to everyone’s presentations and asked relevant questions.

When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect. LIT 1-02a

I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features. LIT 1-24a

Sensational Surveys

I have explored a variety of ways in which data is presented and can ask and answer questions about the information it contains. MNU 1-20a

I have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using my own and others’ criteria. MNU 1-20b

Using technology and other methods, I can display data simply, clearly and accurately by creating tables, charts and diagrams, using simple labelling and scale. MTH 1-21a

We have been working in groups to create our own surveys. We had to think of the question we would ask and the options for the answers. We then asked another class in the school. We recorded our information in a table then had to transfer it to a bar graph. We made sure we labelled it appropriately and used the correct scale. We made predictions about what the results would show and compared our predictions with the result. We then used a spreadsheet in ICT to make a bar graph on the computer.

We also used Venn and Carroll diagrams to sort polar animals into different categories.

Children from Other Lands

Having explored the landscape of my local area, I can describe the various ways in which land has been used. SOC 1-13a

By exploring climate zones around the world, I can compare and describe how climate affects living things. SOC 1-12b

So far this term we have been comparing our landscape and culture in Scotland with that of the Polar Lands.

We carried out research into Scottish food and drink, traditions, signs and symbols, famous people, sport, houses, schools, landscape and music.

We designed and made our own tartan kilts and pipers.

We  answered different types of questions about children that live in Scotland and also about Inuit children and found some similarities and differences about the way each live.

We carried out research, and took notes about Inuit children, polar bears and penguins and we sorted our information into bullet points.

Sophia was proud to show us her penguin she had made at home and was happy to show us how we could all make one.

We are now going to learn about the Rainforest and the people that live there.


The children had a great start to the year with a visit from Google Expeditions. They were taken on a virtual reality tour of a rainforest, getting a feel of what it would be like deep within it. Some creepy crawlies made an appearance but everyone was very brave.  They also went on an underwater adventure to the Great Barrier Reef and learned about the coral and some fish that lived there.

Owl Adventures




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Community Links…Local Area Learning

We visited a local farm to learn more
about what land is used for in our area.
We developed our knowledge of how
to care for animals and where food
comes from.

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Innovative Inventors in Primary 2

SDC11620SDC11618Arlo Barsanti ” This is Roger the Rubbish Robot but he is not really rubbish!  The rubbish is sucked up the arms……………………. SDC11622Thalia Stewart ” This is a Bird and Bees B and B.   The solar panels catch the energy from the sun and warm up the earth so that worms and flowers can live. Then the birds and bees will have food to eat.  That is how it helps the environment”
SDC11610” I made a model and a poster” Daisy McLean SDC11611Daisy McLean ” It is called the Clean Clean Machine.  It sucks the bad and makes flowers………
SDC11625Sarah Sneddon ” I made a pollution Pump.  It takes polluted air and turns it into cheap electricity.  I helps the environment and poor people.” SDC11626“My machine recycles paper, plastic and glass and turns it into seeds for the birds.” Blair Mann
SDC11628Jamie McFarlane “This is Muncher the Environment Friendly Robot. He is solar powered and recycles bad air to make clean air. He recycles.” SDC11630Olivia Andrews “This is The Marvellous Bin. It sucks up the things and I was going to make a remote control too. It means you only need one bin and it helps the environment.”
SDC11631Ben Casey” This is Ben’s Bag for Life. I made it with an old top.  It has handles. I decorated it with bottle tops.  It helps the environment because you don’t have plastic bags.” SDC11634James Malcolm-Blyth “The Litter Fighting Machine goes round the streets picking up litter and switching off lights.  I made a model and a poster.”
SDC11635“The Tap Timer. Why not get one for your home? It helps the environment because it stops you wasting water.  You can turn it from 1 up to 5 and it stops the tap from running.” Lucy McAllister


SDC11638Sophia Barclay “I made a solar powered litter collector.  The balloons help it float. The water gets sucked up the pipe and the litter gets trapped.  I was going to make a remote control like Olivia’s to make it come back to be emptied.  It helps the environment because it helps the rivers, seas and oceans.”
SDC11515 SDC11653
SDC11650 SDC11644