Tag Archives: Social Studies


Jamie – I was dressed up as a Viking farmer.

Sophia – It was very fun and I was a Viking farmer’s wife. I married Jamie.

Sophia – To get married, you had to hold an oath ring and you would only be married for a year and a day. Then you get married a second time and you are married for life.

Blair – I dressed up as a woodsmith. We used wood to make Viking longships and longhouses.

Sienna – It was fun dressing up!

Oli – I dressed up as a trader’s wife. Traders are very rich! It was really fun and we got to learn new things about Vikings.

Finlay – To get divorced, we had to say “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you”. It was fun!

Viking Clay Pottery

Fraser – It was VERY messy!

Joe – I had to put my thumb into the clay to make the hole for the pot. It felt weird!

Ben – It was fun!

Logan – We had to make pots out of clay.

Liam – It was fun and cool making Viking pots.

Jamie – We got our table messy! We got to roll the clay into a ball and then create our pot. We decorated the sides.

Sarah M – We had to write our name in Viking ruins and mould the clay to make a pot.

Zaid – We had to put our pot upside down and flatten it to make the pot.

Siona – It was fun making the pots.

ICT: GoogleEarth

This week we have been using GoogleEarth to explore our local environment. Everyone found their home and the school.

Finlay – You can drop the wee yellow person and see the people and places. You can’t drop the person in the water.

Marci – I enjoyed looking at all the houses in the village.

Sarah M – I enjoyed dropping the wee man down and seeing places like it was real life.

Community Links

Mrs Cuthbertson – Scout Talk

Zaid – She told us facts about Scouts, Cubs and Beavers.

Olivia A – She showed us all the uniforms. She told us how much it cost and she showed us what they do.

Campus Cop

Liam – We got to try on the police uniform and it was fun. One of the teachers got handcuffs on.

Community Litter Pick

Lepra Workout

Story Teller

Joe – He is very funny and he has a good sense of humour. The viking in the story had a really nice personality.

Lucy – He is really funny and he sang a song about a cat.

James- He made up really funny stories and he said them with a lot of expression.

P7 Teachers

James Edgar

Jessica – Badminton is on a Saturday at 9am. Primary 4 to 7 can go to this club.

Library Visit

Jamie – I loved their books and their library was perfect.