Jacob brought some vegetables and herbs in to show the class. He has grown tomatoes, cucumbers, mint, rosemary, chive and parsley at home.
The class really enjoyed Jacob sharing his homework.
Jacob made a fruit salad and talked about where each ingredients came from. He also cut some fruit and sketched the inside of an apple.
Sophia made a healthy snack. She took pictures of every step.
Oli designed a healthy lunchbox.
Jessica made an impressive miniature model of a farm!
Pupil of the week
Joe worked extremly hard in reading this week and made accurate predictions on where the story was going using his prior knowledge.
We have been learning about the Scottish artist, Steven Brown and his art work. He created The McCoo.
We have been drawing our own McCoos.
Finlay – Steven Brown is a famous artist.
Zaid – He started painting much later in his life.
Joe – He used to live in Kilmarnock.
James – Now he lives in Irvine.
Daisy – Steven Brown likes to have colours in his paintings.
Fraser – Steven Brown is still alive today and he is creating more paintings.
Will- Steven Brown is artistic.