Tag Archives: Problem Solving

Superheroes are in your neighbourhood………..

P1 are inventing their own superhero characters and comic strips!

We made new characters using a variety of materials.  We invented new avatar superheroes using the Interactive Whiteboard.  We used WOW words to describe our Superheroe’s powers, talents and appearance.

We made our own comic strip books.  We are awesome authors.blog photos 145 blog photos 147 blog photos 148 blog photos 150 blog photos 151 blog photos 152 blog photos 154 blog photos 155 blog photos 157 blog photos 158 blog photos 159 blog photos 160 blog photos 161 blog photos 162



Living Things and Habitats

Primary 1 have been investigating living things and the change of seasons.  We carried out investigations to test out theories of what plants need to grow.

We planted a variety of seeds and made predictions about the conditions required for growth and the possible outcomes.  We will be observing our seeds and plants

over the next few weeks.  Watch this space for our results……

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Keeping Safe

Daniel and his group deciding if this is safe or harmful.
Finlay and Blair sorting into the correct category.
Noah sharing his group’s findings. Kobe noticed that the nail polish removerbottle had a flame on it.
The class discussed how this might look like juice because of the ‘lemon’ on the packaging.
Noah justifying his group’s decision to put the ‘tablets’ in the unsafe bag.

Primary 1 are learning are to identify and avoid harmful substances and situations.

“I am putting nail polish remover in the unsafe bag.” – Amy McIntyre

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Outdoor Gym

“I was climbing from the side with my trainers on. It was a bit tricky! I was able to get it quickly. I was climbing up with my feet but my trainers were a bit slippy.” – Thalia Stewart
“Me and Kirsty were balancing on the sticks that go high and low.” – Thalia Stewart
“I was staying away from the crocodile and the shark!” – Olivia Mason

Outdoor gym provides opportunities to further develop balance, coordination, upper body strength, ability to share resources, cooperate and take in lots of fresh air!100_6411 100_6414 100_6415 100_6416 100_6417 100_6418 100_6419 100_6426 100_6427 100_6435 100_6436