Tag Archives: Numeracy


Primary 3.1 have been learning  to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks. They are able to tell o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times.

We worked together to make human clocks and we used them to tell the time.


img_0863The tallest person is the minute hand. img_0862The smallest person is the hour hand.
img_0861We sat at each number on the clock. img_0860The person that was number 12 was at the top of the clock.
img_0859When the minute hand points to the 12 it’s o’clock. img_0858When the minute hand points to 3 its quarter past.
img_0856When the minute hand points to 6 its half past. img_0855We held up our fingers to show what number we were.
img_0853When the minute hand points to 9 its quarter to. img_0854


Primary 3.1 have been exploring the properties of a range of 2D shapes and identifying 2D shapes which will tile.
They completed tiling patterns with a range and combination of 2D shapes and designed and created tiling patterns with 2D shapes.


I used squares to make a pattern. – Olivia


We practised on the computer.




Thalia – I used triangles to make my pattern.


Fraser – You have to make sure the lines join. There can’t be any gaps.


Cara – I used hexagons.


Arlo – I made a pyramid out of triangles. 

Siona – The shapes all have to have straight sides.


Jamie – My pattern is made out of triangles. I had to turn the triangle round to fill each gap.


Oli – I used lots of different shapes with straight sides to make my pattern.

Joseph – You can’t tile with circles because the sides have to fit together.

Jo – You can fill in the gaps in octagons by using squares turned round.

Measuring Masters

Measure 008

We have been using metre sticks and tape measures to measure using metres and centimetres.

Lucy – I could jump really far. We used a metre stick to measure the distance.

Measure 007

Jo and Arlo – We measured around our wrists. Jo’s was 18cm.

Around Jo’s head is 52cm.

Measure 006

Logan – We worked together to measure.

Measure 005

Cara – I had to measure around Kenzie’s foot. It is 20cm.

Measure 004

Sarah – I had to measure the length of Finlay’s arm.

Measure 003

Joseph – My head is the same size as Mia’s.

Mia and Jessica – We are both 47cm.

Measure 002 Measure 001

Healthy Options……..Perfect Pizzas………….Yummy!

BLOG OCT 266” Making pizzas was fun.  Thalia had a half and I had a half.  We were learning about halves” Olivia Mason

” I was learning to make pizzas and it was yummy. I put cheese and ham on my half” Thalia Stewart

” I put on my pizza……cheese and ham and chicken and it went in the oven. I eated it” Olivia Andrews

BLOG OCT 264“I was learning to make pizza. They were halves. I put ham and chicken on my half. It was yummy” Finlay Macdonald

“I was learning how to make pizzas. I made a pizza at home.I had cheese, ham  and tomato sauce on a pizza.  I made a half and we ate it”

Jessica Mackessy

BLOG OCT 258” We were having fun and making pizza. I ate all of mine”Mia Lafferty

“I made a pizza with cheese, pepperoni and sweetcorn and tuna.   I was learning about healthy food and halves and quarters”Sophia Barclay

BLOG OCT 263” It was nice. I was learning halves and quarters” Blair Mann
BLOG OCT 262” I was learning about healthy food. I like sweetcorn. The pizzas were yummy” Kenzie McKinnon BLOG OCT 265” I made a pizza with cheese and tomato. I was learning to make pizzas. I loved it!” Sarah Sneddon
BLOG OCT 261“P2 sequencing the instructions for making pizza and drawing their’half’ of the pizza while the real pizzas were in the oven!” Mrs Toman BLOG OCT 260“I was learning to make pizza.  We had to write instructions about making pizza.” Ben Casey

Let me tell you a story…….a number story……

SDC10656“We were doing calculations and pictures. We were working in partners. We were doing the story of 10”  Blair & Finlay SDC10652” We were making a tower of ten and then we wrote the calculations” Jamie & Thalia
SDC10648“I was  colouring a rainbow of number facts to 10” Zaid SDC10651” I was learning about numbers.  Different ways to make  10″ James
SDC10653“I was doing my number rainbow. I had to colour them in to the other side. I as making 10” Cara SDC10650“I was colouring a rainbow.  Calculations about 10. I tried hard” Fraser
SDC10654” I was colouring a rainbow. I was learning up to 10″ Sienna SDC10649” I am learning to stay in the lines” Olivia Mason