Tag Archives: Literacy

A Petrifying Poem

Primary 3.1 have been trying to use interesting words in their writing. This week we were using alliteration to write a Halloween Horror poem. We worked in groups to use alliteration in one line of the poem. We then put all the ideas together to make a class, spooky poem.


Alliteration is when you have to use the same sound at the start of every word. – Siona


We made haunted house pictures to accompany our class poem.


We had to blend red and yellow for the sky. – Sophia
The house was hard to cut out. – Liam
It was fun printing the ghosts and drawing on funny faces. – Cara


We all discussed the skills and qualities we would need for different jobs. We decided what we would like to work as when we are older and got dressed up for the day.


I would like to care for animals and make them better so I would like to be a Vet.


I would like to be a Footballer because I love football.


I want to be an Occupational Therapist because I like helping people.


I would like to be a Footballer because it’s a fun sport and you get a chance to win medals and make friends.


I would like to be a Teacher so I can help people learn better or a Horse-rider and have my own horse.


I want to be a You Tuber because I like watching You Tubers. I’ve made some things already and want to make more.


I would like to be a Problem Solver as I think it would be fun.


I am artistic and I want to make people look beautiful so I would like to be a Beautician.


I would like to be a Pop Star because I like music.


I would like to be a Vet to help animals that are sick.


I want to be a Police Officer so I can save people from drowning and can catch bad guys.


I want to be a beautician so I can help people look nice.


I want to be a Police Officer because they can run after people and they can dive into the water.


I want to be a Police Officer so I can make the world a better place.


I want to be a Footballer because they can make lots of money.


I want to be a Doctor in a hospital because my big cousin is a Doctor.


I want to be a Coder. I want to know more about electronics, make apps and upgrade apps.


I want to be a Quad Biker as I want to do stunts.


I would like to be a Head Teacher or  Pop Star. I want to look after children in school and keep them safe.


I want to be a gamer as I’d like to make games.


I would like to be a Doctor in a hospital. I’d like to make children better and to see inside people.


If I become a Dentist I will help people when their teeth are sore and I will get lots of money.


I would like to be a Vet so I could save animals because I really love them.


I would like to be a You Tuber or Singer as I like to entertain people.


I would like to be an architect. It would be good to design buildings and know that it was me that made them.


I am already a You Tuber. I want to make more and get famous.


I think being a Vet would be fun.

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I want to be a Game Designer then I could make up my own games.


Achievements in P2

We have been using our ICT skills to record some of our achievements from P2.  We used Microsoft Office to open a Word document.  Then we typed sentences. Next we inserted images from clip art to illustrate our sentences.  Finally we saved our files.

We discussed all the knowledge and skills we have been learning and practising this year.  We wrote ‘I can’ sentences as part of our ‘Growth Mindset’ activities.  We set new learning targets.

Click on the names below to take a look at our fantastic achievement records…


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World Book Day 2016


“I like Matilda because on her first day she is really shy and cute”.

SDC11560Siona” I was dressd as Elsa. This is my favourite book. My dress lights up”
SDC11555Daisy McLean” I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz” SDC11554Joseph” I like Jumblebum because my bedroom is as untidy as Johny’s”.
SDC11553Thalia” My favourite book is Cat in a Hat” and there is some other different stories”. SDC11552Kenzie” It is my favourite book because he has powers.”


SDC11551Logan” I am a fierce pirate. I like pirate stories.” SDC11550Sarah Sneddon ” I was dressed as a clone trooper from Star Wars”
SDC11549Sarah McKenzie” I am from Alice in Wonderland” SDC11548Jamie”I like it because I have the toys.”
SDC11547Lucy “I lost the book about minions” SDC11546Olivia “Fantastic Mr Fox is a favourite book of mine and my dads”.
SDC11545Blair “I like it because he is a wizard and can do spells and stuff. My mum helped me read the book” SDC11544James Malcolm -Blyth as ‘Sir James the Knight’.Finlay

Finlay ” I like Dennis the Menace because he plays pranks with his dog and he is rude to Walter. I played pranks on the teachers”
SDC11542Jessica ” 101 Dalmations is my favourite book because I like the puppies and I like Cruella Deville”
SDC11541Mia”I like the characters in this book”. SDC11540Sienna” I am Matilda. Mrs Buchanan was Miss Trunchbull.”
SDC11539Marci” I made my costume.  I read the book with my mum”. SDC11538Ben dressed as a soldier.
SDC11537Arlo” Dennis  pranks Angelface and Walter”. SDC11536Sophia” I like the book because  my Gan bought it and it is a memory and all the books are my favourite”
SDC11535Olivia “Snowwhite is my favourite because she is a princess” SDC11534Cara “I like Wally because they are big books and they are fun!”
SDC11533Fraser ” My character is evil” SDC11532” We loved World Book Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Reading Partners

SDC10933‘ I was reading. We were doing reading partners. It is fun!’ Marci Burt SDC10932‘ I like reading partners with Oli and we take turns.’ Sophia Barclay.’It is really good fun’ Olivia Mason
SDC10931”We are reading in pairs. You get to read the whole book’ Daisy McLean SDC10930‘I was learning to read with my friends’ Sarah McKenzie
SDC10929‘ I was reading  with Fraser. He was reading The Mango Tree. I was reading about Amy and Daniel.’ Olivia Andrews SDC10928‘I was learning to sit and listen when Lucy was reading’ Liam Turner  ‘ I was reading sentences in the book’ Lucy McAllister
SDC10927Bottom Left Text Here SDC10926‘ I was listenong to Logan. I was kind of helping with him with some words but he never really needed help.’ Arlo Barsanti
SDC10925Top Left Text Here SDC10924‘We were reading the words in pairs’ Sienna Leitch   Sarah Sneddon ‘ We were reading without the teacher’
SDC10923‘We were doing paired reading’ Zaid Hadji ‘He was a really good reader’ Thalia Stewart SDC10922‘I was reading a book to James’ Ben Casey ‘He reads a book to me.’

Healthy Options……..Perfect Pizzas………….Yummy!

BLOG OCT 266” Making pizzas was fun.  Thalia had a half and I had a half.  We were learning about halves” Olivia Mason

” I was learning to make pizzas and it was yummy. I put cheese and ham on my half” Thalia Stewart

” I put on my pizza……cheese and ham and chicken and it went in the oven. I eated it” Olivia Andrews

BLOG OCT 264“I was learning to make pizza. They were halves. I put ham and chicken on my half. It was yummy” Finlay Macdonald

“I was learning how to make pizzas. I made a pizza at home.I had cheese, ham  and tomato sauce on a pizza.  I made a half and we ate it”

Jessica Mackessy

BLOG OCT 258” We were having fun and making pizza. I ate all of mine”Mia Lafferty

“I made a pizza with cheese, pepperoni and sweetcorn and tuna.   I was learning about healthy food and halves and quarters”Sophia Barclay

BLOG OCT 263” It was nice. I was learning halves and quarters” Blair Mann
BLOG OCT 262” I was learning about healthy food. I like sweetcorn. The pizzas were yummy” Kenzie McKinnon BLOG OCT 265” I made a pizza with cheese and tomato. I was learning to make pizzas. I loved it!” Sarah Sneddon
BLOG OCT 261“P2 sequencing the instructions for making pizza and drawing their’half’ of the pizza while the real pizzas were in the oven!” Mrs Toman BLOG OCT 260“I was learning to make pizza.  We had to write instructions about making pizza.” Ben Casey

Superheroes are in your neighbourhood………..

P1 are inventing their own superhero characters and comic strips!

We made new characters using a variety of materials.  We invented new avatar superheroes using the Interactive Whiteboard.  We used WOW words to describe our Superheroe’s powers, talents and appearance.

We made our own comic strip books.  We are awesome authors.blog photos 145 blog photos 147 blog photos 148 blog photos 150 blog photos 151 blog photos 152 blog photos 154 blog photos 155 blog photos 157 blog photos 158 blog photos 159 blog photos 160 blog photos 161 blog photos 162