Tag Archives: Learning across the Stages

Eaglesham Science Centre

SDC11728” I was teaching P1 about my product”. Thalia Stewart SDC11726” I am showing P1 my invention”. Oliver Rissmann
SDC11724Jamie explaining how his robot recycles rubbish. SDC11727” I was showing my cousin my invention. She was asking questions and I was answering them. Robo Bird collects rubbish from the ground and puts it in the bin by pooping it out!” Finlay Macdonald
SDC11722The Science Centre – Learning across stages! SDC11675” I was practising inventions” Olivia Mason
SDC11677Lucy McAllister “I was explaining what it says on the poster and what my invention does”. SDC11674“I was practising how to talk about my invention.” Sarah McKenzie
SDC11644“My invention took ten minutes to make. It picks up litter and munches it up and makes it into LEGO!” Oliver Rissmann SDC11650Robo Bird
SDC11640Siona Sircar” My invention helps the environment”. SDC11642” My invention recycles food waste into new food for poor people” Millie Taggart

Keeping Safe in Winter P2, P3 & P4

IDL Blog 048Poster making to share important messages about travelling in bad weather conditions. IDL Blog 026Thalia from P2 and Anna from P3 working together to spread the word about staying warm with appropriate clothes for Winter weather.
IDL Blog 034Archie and Finlay MacDougall  working on a joint safety message to put up around the school. IDL Blog 036Amelia and Isabella reminding us all to look after pets and younger family members when there is salt on the ground……it is not for eating!!!!!!!!!!
IDL Blog 016Marvellous Makers group designed and made accessories to make children more visible during the dark winter days. IDL Blog 038Getting to grips with stitching with ‘high viz’ materials.
IDL Blog 035Amelia from P3 and Lexa from P2 making posters about the importance of staying away from frozen ponds. IDL Blog 020
IDL Blog 039P2,P3 and P4 acting out risky situations and teaching us how to deal with them responsively. IDL Blog 022Super Surveyors group went out into the community to gather information about ‘Keeping Safe in our local environment’.
IDL Blog 014Planning and designing safety accessories. IDL Blog 027First draft of a safety poster by Jacob Smith

Blether about the weather…………

BLOG OCT 255“We were learning what way the wind was blowing” Sienna Leitch”To see if the wind is blowing or not.  Sarah from P3 told us how to make a wind turbine” Siona Sircar BLOG OCT 247“Anna from P3 . She was showing me how to work the windmill.  I showed her my windsock and I showed her how to do it” Jessica Mackessy
BLOG OCT 246“Anna from P3 showed me that it goes fast that way if there is more wind” Millie Taggart BLOG OCT 251“Dylan is my brother and I was learning about wind” Daisy McLean
BLOG OCT 253” I was learning about when socks can go in the wind and they can break in very strong winds.  My one didn’t break” Logan Hart

Heather and me were trying out each others windsock and wind turbine. Sophia Barclay
BLOG OCT 240“We were doing something working out which way the wind was going” Arlo Barsanti” I made it with long see through paper, glue and a tube.  I tied it with string. It moved to the East. Because that was the windiest way” Zaid Hadji BLOG OCT 237” I was wanting to tell which way the wind was going and I was hanging on the gate and the wind was blowing west” Jamie McFarlane

Storytelling with Primary 4

Primary 4 read us their stories and let us see their fantastic illustrations!
P4 are awesome authors!
Bonnie proudly listened to her big brother Lachlan’s story.
P4 really enjoyed sharing their stories with us.
Daniel couldn’t choose a favourite. All the stories were great.
Reading detectives look for clues in the illustrations………….