Primary 3.1 have been exploring the properties of a range of 2D shapes and identifying 2D shapes which will tile.
They completed tiling patterns with a range and combination of 2D shapes and designed and created tiling patterns with 2D shapes.

I used squares to make a pattern. – Olivia

We practised on the computer.

Thalia – I used triangles to make my pattern.

Fraser – You have to make sure the lines join. There can’t be any gaps.

Cara – I used hexagons.

Arlo – I made a pyramid out of triangles.
Siona – The shapes all have to have straight sides.

Jamie – My pattern is made out of triangles. I had to turn the triangle round to fill each gap.

Oli – I used lots of different shapes with straight sides to make my pattern.
Joseph – You can’t tile with circles because the sides have to fit together.
Jo – You can fill in the gaps in octagons by using squares turned round.