Tag Archives: Health and Well being

Career Month


Ben – It was fun.

Jamie – He was a doctor and told us what doctor means.

blair- We saw doctor stuff like a needle and Stethoscopes.

thalia -It was cool!

FINLAY-We got to meet a doctor.


Sienna  – we learned lots about feet

Mia- A podiatrist works with feet.

Fraser – So if something is wrong with your foot, a podiatrist can do surgery on it.

Crazy Golfers

In PE we have been learning how to play golf. We have been practising putting and worked in groups to design a crazy golf course.


We were learning to hit the ball soft instead of hard and we had to hit it accurately – Zaid We were making different obstacles – Siona
When you hit the ball someone would throw another ball at it to knock yours away. There was then a big arrow you had to get through and then you had to get the ball around the cones. – Sophia You had to get the ball in the red hoop – Cara
Our ball was a unicorn and you had to get it into the stable – Fraser
We had to make sure we were holding the putter correctly – Kenzie You must hit the ball lightly when you are putting – Millie
You had to think about the angle you were standing at and aim carefully with the club – Joseph


I can describe some of the kinds of work that people do and I am finding out about the wider world of work.  HWB 1-20a

A big thank you to all our visitors that have come to P3 to tell everyone about their career.

We have been looking at the skills and qualities required for different jobs.

Some children have been impersonating a police officer over the last few weeks as they enjoyed dressing up in Mrs Sneddon’s police uniform.

Marci’s dad brought along his camera and showed everyone how to make a film.

Bonnie’s dad told us all about being a Forester. It sounded like a fabulous job and the children asked lots of interesting questions.

Children from Other Lands

Having explored the landscape of my local area, I can describe the various ways in which land has been used. SOC 1-13a

By exploring climate zones around the world, I can compare and describe how climate affects living things. SOC 1-12b

So far this term we have been comparing our landscape and culture in Scotland with that of the Polar Lands.

We carried out research into Scottish food and drink, traditions, signs and symbols, famous people, sport, houses, schools, landscape and music.

We designed and made our own tartan kilts and pipers.

We  answered different types of questions about children that live in Scotland and also about Inuit children and found some similarities and differences about the way each live.

We carried out research, and took notes about Inuit children, polar bears and penguins and we sorted our information into bullet points.

Sophia was proud to show us her penguin she had made at home and was happy to show us how we could all make one.

We are now going to learn about the Rainforest and the people that live there.


I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical activities. HWB 1-23a

The children worked collaboratively to create there own games in the playground.

They made up rules for their games and each group had to explain them to the class, and lead the class when playing their game.

The class gave feedback after each game looking at what worked well and any improvements that could be made.


img_1002We asked the class calculations and the first one on the answer got to ask the next question. img_1001We had to split the class into 2 groups so there weren’t too many people running to the same number.
img_0999We all started standing in a circle. Someone stood in the middle and threw the ball to each person in turn. img_0998If someone didn’t catch the ball they had to go and do an assault course.
img_0997Lots of people dropped the ball or didn’t throw it back very well. img_0996They had to throw another ball between 2, ten times.
img_0995We threw the ball up in the air and caught it ten times. img_0994
img_0993We saw how far we could travel balancing the ball on the bat. img_0992You had to get the ball in the hoop.
img_0991 img_0990


One group made up a game of football v basketball. This was fun but quite hard.