Tag Archives: Choosing Time

WE ARE IN PRIMARY 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are enjoying being back at school, being with our friends and playing together during our first Golden Time.


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Here are some thoughts we had about coming back to school and our first few weeks.
Sophie – My group seem really happy.
Kenzie – We like to draw, paint and cut out.
Fraser – We were very excited about coming into our new classroom.
Sarah – I really liked coming back to school.
Daisy – I was nervous.
Liam – I liked going back to school.
Joseph – We’ve had loads and loads of work to do.

Working Together To Get The Job Done!

Primary 2 are learning to make choices to further develop our own skills.  We choose from a range of learning opportunities.  Sometimes we work in pairs, in groups or with an adult. We all take responsibility for keeping our classroom and resources tidy.


SDC11750“You can choose things to do. You can learn different things and have fun.” Olivia Mason SDC11751“It helps you if you are stuck at a word. It means that you can write on your own”. Arlos Barsanti
SDC11725” I am learning to recycle litter and sharing my invention with Primary 1″ Jamie McFarlane