Amazing Highland Coos

We have been learning about the Scottish artist, Steven Brown and his art work. He created The McCoo.

We have been drawing our own McCoos.

Finlay – Steven Brown is a famous artist.

Zaid – He started painting much later in his life.

Joe – He used to live in Kilmarnock.

James – Now he lives in Irvine.

Daisy – Steven Brown likes to have colours in his paintings.

Fraser – Steven Brown is still alive today and he is creating more paintings.

Will- Steven Brown is artistic.



First Week in Primary 4

We have had a great first week in Primary 4!

Blair – We were doing interesting maths. We made questions to describe ourselves. For example, Age: 4 x 2 = 8.

Sophia – We made a postcard for Mrs Martin about our Summer holidays. We drew pictures of our holidays in the sunglasses.

Siona – we all made silhouettes.A silhouette

is a outline of a person but we made ours colourful and interesting!

We filled it with what we like.

Zaid – We took pictures of our class and in this photo we could make a funny face!


Amazing Inventors

We have been using different materials to try to create an Egyptian Shaduf.

We had to decide on what material we wanted to use to construct it and we could make it our self or work as a group.

Our shaduf had to pivot and turn.


We have been learning about mummification and how the Egyptians used a type of salt called natron to dry out and help preserve the mummy.

We conducted an experiment using 2 tomatoes.

First we weighed each tomato, then scooped out all of the seeds and juice. Next we covered one in a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and salt and left one with nothing on it.

After 2 weeks we looked at both tomatoes.

We found that the one that had been covered in the salt mixture was slightly lighter than the one that wasn’t. It’s skin had gone all hard and wrinkly. The other tomato had started to go mouldy and smelled horrible. The salt mixture had gone all hard as well as it had absorbed all of the liquid.


Money Trees

We have been finding out about all of the jobs Primary 3 pupils have been doing at home to earn money for their money trees.

Well done to all those that took part. We hope the children will continue to do their good deeds at home.

All money raised will be given to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Thank you to everyone for your support and donations.

The Great Kapok Tree

A very big thank you to all our visitors who came to support Primary 3 in their rainforest performance. We hope you all had a good time. The children all worked very hard and enjoyed learning all of the songs and making up the actions to accompany them.

Endangered Animals of the Rainforest

We had to find out information about an endangered animal of the rainforest and create a booklet, poster or PowerPoint to show the class. We listened carefully to everyone’s presentations and asked relevant questions.

When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect. LIT 1-02a

I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features. LIT 1-24a

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