Category Archives: Social Studies

ICT: GoogleEarth

This week we have been using GoogleEarth to explore our local environment. Everyone found their home and the school.

Finlay – You can drop the wee yellow person and see the people and places. You can’t drop the person in the water.

Marci – I enjoyed looking at all the houses in the village.

Sarah M – I enjoyed dropping the wee man down and seeing places like it was real life.

Community Links

Mrs Cuthbertson – Scout Talk

Zaid – She told us facts about Scouts, Cubs and Beavers.

Olivia A – She showed us all the uniforms. She told us how much it cost and she showed us what they do.

Campus Cop

Liam – We got to try on the police uniform and it was fun. One of the teachers got handcuffs on.

Community Litter Pick

Lepra Workout

Story Teller

Joe – He is very funny and he has a good sense of humour. The viking in the story had a really nice personality.

Lucy – He is really funny and he sang a song about a cat.

James- He made up really funny stories and he said them with a lot of expression.

P7 Teachers

James Edgar

Jessica – Badminton is on a Saturday at 9am. Primary 4 to 7 can go to this club.

Library Visit

Jamie – I loved their books and their library was perfect.

Scottish dancing

We have been learning some traditional Scottish ceilidh dances. We now know how to do The Dashing White Sergeant and we have started to learn the Gay Gordons. Watch this space for our next video.


Fantastic Homework!

Jacob made a fruit salad and talked about where each ingredients came from. He also cut some fruit and sketched the inside of an apple.

Sophia made a healthy snack. She took pictures of every step.

Oli designed a healthy lunchbox.

Jessica made an impressive miniature model of a farm!


Pupil of the week

Joe worked extremly hard in reading this week and made accurate predictions on where the story was going using his prior knowledge.


We have been learning about mummification and how the Egyptians used a type of salt called natron to dry out and help preserve the mummy.

We conducted an experiment using 2 tomatoes.

First we weighed each tomato, then scooped out all of the seeds and juice. Next we covered one in a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and salt and left one with nothing on it.

After 2 weeks we looked at both tomatoes.

We found that the one that had been covered in the salt mixture was slightly lighter than the one that wasn’t. It’s skin had gone all hard and wrinkly. The other tomato had started to go mouldy and smelled horrible. The salt mixture had gone all hard as well as it had absorbed all of the liquid.


Money Trees

We have been finding out about all of the jobs Primary 3 pupils have been doing at home to earn money for their money trees.

Well done to all those that took part. We hope the children will continue to do their good deeds at home.

All money raised will be given to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Thank you to everyone for your support and donations.