Category Archives: Science

Polar Explorer

We had a visit from Fraser, the weather man to tell us about his experiences in the polar regions.

He was showing us what you wear in cold climates. The best gloves to wear are the thinest ones because grip and for work projects.  Arlo

Fraser was showing us what you have to wear to cover your face so that snow doesnt get into your eyes, mouth and nose.  Millie

Wearing layers of thin things is warmer than wearing one thick thing.  Mittens are warmer than gloves because the body heat transfers through the fingers and keeps them warm.  Daisy

Looking at different parts of the world we could see what the world was made of, hot and cold climates.  Sophia


More animals go to the Arctic because when it is really cold the ice joins Canada and South America and a part of Russia and they can travel across the ice.  Joseph O

Time for an experiment!

I had to put my hand in ice and see how long I can hold it under the ice water.  I managed 45 seconds.  Then I had to cover my hand with butter.  I managed to hold it under water 1 minute 2 seconds.  The butter made it not as sore to hold your hand in ice so it kept it warmer.  Cara

It felt weird!

The butter felt soft and it stinks and when you rubbed your butter hands together it felt really warm. Blair

This is how the animals survive because it provides an additional layer of fat.  Joseph O

It was slippery when you had butter hands in the water but it did keep my hand a little bit warmer.  Olivia

It was really cold when I put my hand in the bowl.  I tried to look like it didnt hurt but on the inside it was really cold.  Joe W

We recorded our findings in a table and the results show that the butter hands held it in the water for nearly twice as long. Jessica

The reason for this experiment is that Fraser said the animals have fat that helps them survive and we dont have enough fat to do this. Siona


We are excited for his next visit!!

Beautiful Butterfly

When we returned school in Primary 5 we had some visitors – caterpillars!

It was sad setting them free but good because they were not 

kept in the butterfly pavillion.  OliIt was really fun holding the butterfly, they were so soft! DaisyI felt a bit emotional sending them away because I liked holding 

them but they flew away.  Millie 

I thought the butterfly was bleeding but it was just extra dye from the painted lady wings.  Oli

It was brilliant being able to see the lifecycle of a butterfly.

It was interesting how the patterns were made and they hatched from their cocoons,  how the colours came down and they were different.  We were able to hold them which was amazing!James

Stem Visit

Arlo – We were challenged to make the tallest tower with spaghetti and marshmallows. It was hard.

Sarah S – The marshmallow had to be at the very top of our tower. It was interesting to find out what it would do.

Daisy – It was very tricky because it was hard to balance the spaghetti and put the heavy marshmallow on top.

Olivia – It was very hard but my group managed to do it. When we got it standing it sometimes fell but then we got it to stand by itself again.

Millie – My group and I worked together to make our building of spaghetti and marshmallows. We managed to get it to stand by itself eventually.


We have been learning about mummification and how the Egyptians used a type of salt called natron to dry out and help preserve the mummy.

We conducted an experiment using 2 tomatoes.

First we weighed each tomato, then scooped out all of the seeds and juice. Next we covered one in a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and salt and left one with nothing on it.

After 2 weeks we looked at both tomatoes.

We found that the one that had been covered in the salt mixture was slightly lighter than the one that wasn’t. It’s skin had gone all hard and wrinkly. The other tomato had started to go mouldy and smelled horrible. The salt mixture had gone all hard as well as it had absorbed all of the liquid.



The children had a great start to the year with a visit from Google Expeditions. They were taken on a virtual reality tour of a rainforest, getting a feel of what it would be like deep within it. Some creepy crawlies made an appearance but everyone was very brave.  They also went on an underwater adventure to the Great Barrier Reef and learned about the coral and some fish that lived there.

Community Links…Local Area Learning

We visited a local farm to learn more
about what land is used for in our area.
We developed our knowledge of how
to care for animals and where food
comes from.

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To the moon and back … at the Glasgow Science Centre!

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SDC11901Liam recording his learning back in the classroom. ” I know DNA because I have heard it before”. Top Right Text Here
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Eaglesham Science Centre

SDC11728” I was teaching P1 about my product”. Thalia Stewart SDC11726” I am showing P1 my invention”. Oliver Rissmann
SDC11724Jamie explaining how his robot recycles rubbish. SDC11727” I was showing my cousin my invention. She was asking questions and I was answering them. Robo Bird collects rubbish from the ground and puts it in the bin by pooping it out!” Finlay Macdonald
SDC11722The Science Centre – Learning across stages! SDC11675” I was practising inventions” Olivia Mason
SDC11677Lucy McAllister “I was explaining what it says on the poster and what my invention does”. SDC11674“I was practising how to talk about my invention.” Sarah McKenzie
SDC11644“My invention took ten minutes to make. It picks up litter and munches it up and makes it into LEGO!” Oliver Rissmann SDC11650Robo Bird
SDC11640Siona Sircar” My invention helps the environment”. SDC11642” My invention recycles food waste into new food for poor people” Millie Taggart

Innovative Inventors in Primary 2

SDC11620SDC11618Arlo Barsanti ” This is Roger the Rubbish Robot but he is not really rubbish!  The rubbish is sucked up the arms……………………. SDC11622Thalia Stewart ” This is a Bird and Bees B and B.   The solar panels catch the energy from the sun and warm up the earth so that worms and flowers can live. Then the birds and bees will have food to eat.  That is how it helps the environment”
SDC11610” I made a model and a poster” Daisy McLean SDC11611Daisy McLean ” It is called the Clean Clean Machine.  It sucks the bad and makes flowers………
SDC11625Sarah Sneddon ” I made a pollution Pump.  It takes polluted air and turns it into cheap electricity.  I helps the environment and poor people.” SDC11626“My machine recycles paper, plastic and glass and turns it into seeds for the birds.” Blair Mann
SDC11628Jamie McFarlane “This is Muncher the Environment Friendly Robot. He is solar powered and recycles bad air to make clean air. He recycles.” SDC11630Olivia Andrews “This is The Marvellous Bin. It sucks up the things and I was going to make a remote control too. It means you only need one bin and it helps the environment.”
SDC11631Ben Casey” This is Ben’s Bag for Life. I made it with an old top.  It has handles. I decorated it with bottle tops.  It helps the environment because you don’t have plastic bags.” SDC11634James Malcolm-Blyth “The Litter Fighting Machine goes round the streets picking up litter and switching off lights.  I made a model and a poster.”
SDC11635“The Tap Timer. Why not get one for your home? It helps the environment because it stops you wasting water.  You can turn it from 1 up to 5 and it stops the tap from running.” Lucy McAllister


SDC11638Sophia Barclay “I made a solar powered litter collector.  The balloons help it float. The water gets sucked up the pipe and the litter gets trapped.  I was going to make a remote control like Olivia’s to make it come back to be emptied.  It helps the environment because it helps the rivers, seas and oceans.”
SDC11515 SDC11653
SDC11650 SDC11644

Innovative Inventors Challenge

Primary 2 have been learning about important inventions and how they affect people and the environment.

We have been listening and watching for useful information.  We have taken notes and made books for the class library about John Logie Baird and Alexander Graham Bell.  We will be researching more inventors and their inventions………….

We have planned a trip to the Science Centre in April.

Primary 2 have accepted a challenge to invent something that will help fix an environmental problem.  All designs, presentations and patents are due on 10th March………………………………..