Category Archives: Problem Solving

Innovative Inventors

SDC11012‘I invented a cool thing and I wanted to show it to Mrs Toman.  It has eight wheels. It is a transformer’. Logan Hart SDC11007‘ It was a shape thing that I made. I done tyres at the bottm.  It looks like it is flying. It shoots out hot dogs  to people’ Blair Mann
SDC11008‘I was making a car with big wheels at the back and little wheels at the bottom’ James Malcolm – Blyth SDC11009‘I was learning to build. I made a giant crane.’ Oliver Rissmann
SDC11006‘I builded a lego robber and he robbed the bank to get all the jewls and the money’ Finlay Macdonald SDC10997‘I was making a helicopter out of construction’. Jamie McFarlane
SDC10999Bottom Left Text Here SDC11000Bottom Right Text Here

Let me tell you a story…….a number story……

SDC10656“We were doing calculations and pictures. We were working in partners. We were doing the story of 10”  Blair & Finlay SDC10652” We were making a tower of ten and then we wrote the calculations” Jamie & Thalia
SDC10648“I was  colouring a rainbow of number facts to 10” Zaid SDC10651” I was learning about numbers.  Different ways to make  10″ James
SDC10653“I was doing my number rainbow. I had to colour them in to the other side. I as making 10” Cara SDC10650“I was colouring a rainbow.  Calculations about 10. I tried hard” Fraser
SDC10654” I was colouring a rainbow. I was learning up to 10″ Sienna SDC10649” I am learning to stay in the lines” Olivia Mason

Young Scientists

Wait until I put my safety goggles back on!

We are learning about different types of energy.

The candle is heating the chocolate and it is melting” Logan

We made predictions about the possible outcomes of our experiment.







We used heat energy to change chocolate from a solid to a liquid.

“The chocolate is melting” Liam






We had to listen carefully to all the safety rules before starting our experiment.

” You have to be careful you don’t get burnt.” Kenzie