Primary 5.1 are fabulous leaders in learning. They planned excellent outdoor maths activities for Primary 3. They included; mental maths, volume/capacity, time, measure and weight.
Making up the games was good fun, we were very creative!
I thought it was really fun and most of the children listened very well, I think they really enjoyed our games and got better at mental maths. Sienna
It was important that we planned well before going out to do the activities. Working in a group to plan meant that we had to compromise. James
I developed my teamwork, patience and kindness through these activities. Sophia
Our team were teaching volume.
As part of our planning we created a game which involved guessing how many litres and millilitres a variety of bottles hold. Primary 3 were good at estimating. Arlo
Our team were teaching weight.
We had three different stations; weight hunt, worksheet and balance scales. Groups had to find objects in the playground that weighted the same. Oliver
Our team were teaching mental maths.
We made up a mental maths tig game. The children enjoyed playing it and were quick, it was challenging teaching but I really enjoyed it. Jessica
Our team were teaching measure.
As part of our planning we played a game called measure run. We placed different measuring equipment in hula hoops and then asked questions like ‘bring me a measuring tape’ the first person to bring it got a point. Lucy
We also made up a football game. One person kicks the ball, the primary 3 children estimate how far the ball travelled and then measured to see who was closest. Jamie
Our team were teaching time.
We split children into groups and gave them a time, they would have to put this on their mini clock and show it.
We chalked times onto the playground and one person would shout out a time. Everyone would go to that time making sure it was am or pm. Daisy
I liked the Scots language and making up our own verses, we wrote the last two. Oliver
The teamwork and getting the costumes organised was my favourite part. I also really liked working as a whole class. Blair
I liked learning Scots poetry. Sarah S
It was fun while it lasted and was good because we had to work out what we wanted to be in the poem. Oli
I learned to be more confident dancing on the stage and wearing a costume. Will
I enjoyed being an acrobat because we got to wear leotards and I liked working with the acrobats and having fun. Lucy
We were learning about Scotland and we had unicorns in our poem, they are the national animal of Scotland. Jamie
Performing in front of the parents was fun and we all got to choose what we would be. Sarah McK
I enjoyed making the actions and teaching them to the class. Marci
Practicing the poem was good because we did not have to write as much but we were still learning in literacy. Joseph O
We made lots of links to learning because we had to do literacy by reading and learning the poem. Maths linked to time so we are not too long or too short. Health by working together and drama by performing. James
I enjoyed learning to talk in Scottish and I felt confident being a clown. Liam
I enjoyed choosing what we got to be and enjoyed working together. Olivia A
I liked sharing and giving Ben a loan of my unicorn costume, it was fun wearing them on stage. Zaid
Performing a Scots poem was great fun, I got more confident because I thought of it as being a cheer competition. Millie
What a wonderful Scots Verse!
Well done Primary 5.1 you all worked very hard and I am VERY proud of you all!!! Ms P
We had a visit from Fraser, the weather man to tell us about his experiences in the polar regions.
He was showing us what you wear in cold climates. The best gloves to wear are the thinest ones because grip and for work projects. Arlo
Fraser was showing us what you have to wear to cover your face so that snow doesnt get into your eyes, mouth and nose. Millie
Wearing layers of thin things is warmer than wearing one thick thing. Mittens are warmer than gloves because the body heat transfers through the fingers and keeps them warm. Daisy
Looking at different parts of the world we could see what the world was made of, hot and cold climates. Sophia
More animals go to the Arctic because when it is really cold the ice joins Canada and South America and a part of Russia and they can travel across the ice. Joseph O
I had to put my hand in ice and see how long I can hold it under the ice water. I managed 45 seconds. Then I had to cover my hand with butter. I managed to hold it under water 1 minute 2 seconds. The butter made it not as sore to hold your hand in ice so it kept it warmer. Cara
The butter felt soft and it stinks and when you rubbed your butter hands together it felt really warm. Blair
This is how the animals survive because it provides an additional layer of fat. Joseph O
It was slippery when you had butter hands in the water but it did keep my hand a little bit warmer. Olivia
It was really cold when I put my hand in the bowl. I tried to look like it didnt hurt but on the inside it was really cold. Joe W
We recorded our findings in a table and the results show that the butter hands held it in the water for nearly twice as long. Jessica
The reason for this experiment is that Fraser said the animals have fat that helps them survive and we dont have enough fat to do this. Siona
We had a visit from Hopscotch Theatre who gave us a numeracy performance. They played music and had to try and fix their spaceship by answering numeracy questions (times tables and co-ordinates) and problem solving. We learned that using teamwork will help fix things. Will, Oli, Daisy, Oliver
Siona,Sarah,Willand Daisy have been completing a jigsaw puzzle.They had to calculate the answer and match it to the correct piece.When they finshed it was like a hexegon.
Sophia – I enjoyed doing upstairs downstairs multiplication calculations outside because it was much more fun than sitting inside. I could talk to my friends.
Cara – I liked doing maths outside more because you get to go and get nature and make your own multiplication upstairs downstairs calculations.
Charlie – It was really fun doing maths outside because we get to pick up nature and we all got to see what type of leaves they were and make our own calculations.
Mia – We had to each get three sticks. As a group we made triangles to show the 3 times table and the 3 divison table.
Sarah – I found this task more fun outdoors because you got to use different things you don’t use in the classroom.