Category Archives: Literacy

Superheroes are in your neighbourhood………..

P1 are inventing their own superhero characters and comic strips!

We made new characters using a variety of materials.  We invented new avatar superheroes using the Interactive Whiteboard.  We used WOW words to describe our Superheroe’s powers, talents and appearance.

We made our own comic strip books.  We are awesome photos 145 blog photos 147 blog photos 148 blog photos 150 blog photos 151 blog photos 152 blog photos 154 blog photos 155 blog photos 157 blog photos 158 blog photos 159 blog photos 160 blog photos 161 blog photos 162



World Book Day 2015!

Primary 1,2 & 3 had a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.  We used our  design, drawing and cutting skills to make unique hats for the party.

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We also used our food handling skills to construct very special  Mad Hatter biscuits.

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A special guest arrived (who looked suspiciously like  our Head Teacher Mrs Livingstone) and she exclaimed “There is no room!”

“There is plenty of room”, we all replied.

Unbirthday cards were made and not one person was late for a very important date.

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The day after our Tea Party we all came to school dressed as a character from our favourite books.


Have a look at our photo gallery and see which characters you can spot!  Have you read these books?  Would you like to?

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We explored characters and events from lots of different stories.


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Keeping Safe

Daniel and his group deciding if this is safe or harmful.
Finlay and Blair sorting into the correct category.
Noah sharing his group’s findings. Kobe noticed that the nail polish removerbottle had a flame on it.
The class discussed how this might look like juice because of the ‘lemon’ on the packaging.
Noah justifying his group’s decision to put the ‘tablets’ in the unsafe bag.

Primary 1 are learning are to identify and avoid harmful substances and situations.

“I am putting nail polish remover in the unsafe bag.” – Amy McIntyre

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When I grow up I want to be……..

Primary 1 have been learning about different jobs and the roles that people play in our community.  From Nurses to Police, Musicians to Librarians………..

Mrs Moffat is a theatre nurse
She told us what happens when you get an operation and you have to go to sleep.
We practised using the breathing tube on the teddy.
Zaid used the stethoscope to listen to Mrs Moffat’s heart.
Skye got dressed as a doctor to perform an operation. You have to scrub your hands and wear a mask, gloves, gown, hat and plastic glasses!
Mrs Moffat told us about how the jags work.
Noah kept the patient breathing with the oxygen mask.


Storytelling with Primary 4

Primary 4 read us their stories and let us see their fantastic illustrations!
P4 are awesome authors!
Bonnie proudly listened to her big brother Lachlan’s story.
P4 really enjoyed sharing their stories with us.
Daniel couldn’t choose a favourite. All the stories were great.
Reading detectives look for clues in the illustrations………….


I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play.

HWB 0-22a

“I moved across the bench back the way” Marci

“I rolled like a log on the mat” Logan

“I nearly climbed to the top” Jamie