Category Archives: Literacy


Primary 5.1 wanted to learn about different countries this term.

We listed the countries and had a class vote.  The outcome was that we would learn about China.  We were also given the opportunity to compare China not just with Scotland but with the countries we had chosen that did not win the vote.

We looked at China on a map and identified the cities and surrounding countries.

In literacy we used Wordsmith to read The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China and then write a report.

We used the VR headsets  to visit Great Wall of China and Chinese classroom.  This was great as I didn’t know the classrooms are so big and how massive The Great Wall  is!! Finlay

I liked seeing the lantern festival using the VR headets, it was really cool and a nice place to be at.  Liam

I loved listening to the music and learning the dances and we even choreographed our own Chinese fan dance.   Olivia

The story of Nian the Dragon was really good and learning how the Chinese Zodiac was created was very interesting.  Zaid

Our assembly was great and it was good fun and surprised the audience when the dragon came down the aisle to our drum music. Mia

I enjoy creating texts of my choice and I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience. LIT2.20a  I can extend and enhance my knowledge of digital technologies to collect, analyse ideas, relevant information and organise these in an appropriate way.  TCH 2.01a


We invited Mr Zhang in to talk to the class about Chinese culture.

I liked when he taught us how to say peoples names and he showed us the really difficult name for a certain type of noodle.   Cara

He taught us how to write a basic word and then build on that to make more words.  Will

Having someone who had grown up in Beijing, China coming to talk to us let us compare education in China to education in Scotland.  Sarah M

The further up you hold your chop sticks shows how rich you are.  He said this is because rich people have more food and have to stretch further across the table to reach the food. We also learned that it is rude to point chop sticks at anyone.  Jamie

We had a wonderful Mandarin teacher.

We learnt a song that Choi taugh us.  It was about greetings and family.  I got to perform the actions to the class, I felt nervous.  Thalia

The class performed an assembly to the school and to the parents.  We applied our learning and confidently performed this song with actions.  Joe

To take our learning one step forward we wanted to put the song Choi taught us so everyone knew how to say; hello, goodbye, mum, dad, family and I love my family in Mandarin.  Sophia



We were learning about pandas, the national animal of China and asked if we could draw our own.

We used line and tone to create our very own panda artwork.  Ben

We researched panda facts and I enjoyed using water pastels as this added colour and depth to our artwork. Zaid

I enjoyed drawing the pandas because I like sketching.  I developed my concentration and more creativity with my artwork.  Blair

After we painted our pandas we added panda facts to our painting.  I googled how to write panda in Chinese.  Daisy

The giant panda is the national animal of China.  Sarah S

The giant panda can peel and eat a bamboo stick in 40 seconds.  Oli

Giant pandas when they are born weigh less than an iPhone.  Oliver

We painted the yulan blossom in a China Ming vase because they are found in China and we were learning about China. Cara

I really enjoyed painting this and think I improved my artwork by adding golden tones to my branches.  Charlie


We got newspaper and glue and a baloon and made paper mache pigs.  When they had dried we got to paint them.  This links to our China learning contexts because it is the Year of the Pig.  Anna

I like making paper mache and my favourite animal is the pig.  This was tricky because we didnt just paint on paper we had to paint careful on a different surface which was 3D.  Daisy

We worked in pairs to make the pigs, you had to figure out how you would create your pig.  We took turns holding the pig while another glued or painted it.  It was messy but I think they turned out really well!  Millie

We got to choose how to design our pigs – I loved painting them.  Olivia A

I enjoy eating a diversity of foods in a range of social situations.  HWB 2.29a

The food was deliciousand it was a nice treat to taste some food that originates from China.  Lucy

It was nice to taste Chinese food and I liked the prawn crackers – I love them!  Chris

The spring roles were the nicest!  James

I liked all of the stuff. I had dumplings, spring rolls, noodles, prawn crackers, chilli sause and soya sauce – it was all good!  Arlo

Using the chop sticks was tricky at the start but the more I tried I was able to do it!  I could even pick up noodles at end!  Marci

It was really difficult to use the chop sticks but I kept on trying and I was able to pick up everything.  I liked the design at the top of my chop sticks. Sienna

The Circus by J K Annand and Primary 5.1

I enjoyed learning how to speak in Scots. Jessica

I liked the Scots language and making up our own verses, we wrote the last two.  Oliver

The teamwork and getting the costumes organised was my favourite part.  I also really liked working as a whole class.  Blair

I liked learning Scots poetry.  Sarah S

It was fun while it lasted and was good because we had to work out what we wanted to be in the poem.  Oli


I learned to be more confident dancing on the stage and wearing a costume.  Will

I enjoyed being an acrobat because we got to wear leotards and I liked working with the acrobats and having fun.  Lucy

We were learning about Scotland and we had unicorns in our poem, they are the national animal of Scotland. Jamie

Performing in front of the parents was fun and we all got to choose what we would be.  Sarah McK

I enjoyed making the actions and teaching them to the class.  Marci

Practicing the poem was good  because we did not have to write as much but we were still learning in literacy.  Joseph O

We made lots of links to learning because we had to do literacy by reading and learning  the poem.  Maths linked to time so we are not too long or too short.  Health by working together and drama by performing.  James

I enjoyed learning to talk in Scottish and I felt confident being a clown. Liam

I enjoyed choosing what we got to be and enjoyed working together.  Olivia A

I liked sharing and giving Ben a loan of my unicorn costume, it was fun wearing them on stage.  Zaid

Performing a Scots poem was great fun, I got more confident because I thought of it as being a cheer competition.  Millie

What a wonderful Scots Verse!

Well done Primary 5.1 you all worked very hard and I am VERY proud of you all!!!   Ms P

Capital letters and Full Stops

Our grammar lesson was a little different today. We went on a tour of the class for our grammar questions today. Mrs Martin put out 28 questions around the room. She challenged us to correct as many sentences as we could, putting in capital letters and full stops.

Cara- It was fun!

Blair – It was fantastic!

Jessica – It was really fun because it was different.


Library visit

We went to a trip to the library. We choose books to read in class for 6 weeks. It was exciting and fun. We walked to the library. The librarian  showed us how to access the online catalogue and gave us a non-fiction quiz.

Siona-I like the library.

Joe- I Loved The Part When I Got To Choose A Book.

Millie- l like the library beacause it is quiet.

Sarah S – I like the library beacause it is interesting.


Mrs Martin is still challenging us to read 15 novels. We then receive a reading certificate. Let’s see how many books we can read.

This week in P4.1

Today we showed racism the red card. We wore something red to stand up against racism.

For maths we went outdoors. We collected data on the colour of cars that passed the school. We came into class and displayed this in a bar graph.

Jacob- I liked being outside.

Zaid- we done a survey about colours of cars and white won.

Finlay- The task was more fun than textbook work but it was boring waiting for cars to pass the school.

We also presented our Scottish food talk. Mrs Martin was very impressed with our talks.

Lucy- my talk was on Abroth Smokies. I presented clearly.

Olivia- I created a PowerPoint on Scottish beef. Scottish beef comes from cows.

Marci- I researched Scottish tablet and it is yummy.


Fantastic Homework!

Jacob made a fruit salad and talked about where each ingredients came from. He also cut some fruit and sketched the inside of an apple.

Sophia made a healthy snack. She took pictures of every step.

Oli designed a healthy lunchbox.

Jessica made an impressive miniature model of a farm!


Pupil of the week

Joe worked extremly hard in reading this week and made accurate predictions on where the story was going using his prior knowledge.