Category Archives: Listening & Talking

Woodland Explorers

Primary 5.1 had a wonderful timeĀ on our Woodland Explorers visit to Rouken Glen.

Katy was our guide.

IĀ createdĀ aĀ faceĀ outĀ ofĀ clayĀ andĀ usedĀ leavesĀ toĀ decorateĀ it.Ā Will

We were making mud cocktails and had to find ingredients to add into it.Ā  Thalia

My mud cocktail had a fresh smell to it! Zaid

It smelt good before we added the pumpkin. Olivia and Sarah The badger was blind folded and got to hold a spray bottle so they could spray people who tried to get the worms (spoons).Ā  I got the worm straight away and didn’t get sprayed.Ā  It was fun. Ā Blair
I used my art skills to make a clay face.Ā  Siona We found a lot of things to make our faces.Ā  Sienna

I think my face looks really weird.Ā  Mia

Mine looks like Clyde the Commonwealth games mascot.Ā  Joseph More than one funny face!
I made a brilliant mud cocktail.Ā  Liam It was fun to make cocktails, mine spelt like rotten eggs.Ā  Lucy
MineĀ smelledĀ likeĀ pumpkinĀ gutsĀ andĀ lookedĀ disgusting.Ā Ā MillieĀ  IĀ wasĀ theĀ badgerĀ andĀ couldn’tĀ seeĀ soĀ hadĀ 

toĀ useĀ goodĀ listeningĀ skills.Ā Ā  Mia

ItĀ wasĀ reallyĀ funĀ makingĀ aĀ faceĀ outĀ ofĀ clayĀ becauseĀ weĀ gotĀ 

to pick a tree to make it on.Ā  Marci

Top Left Text Here We made cocktails but were not to drink them.Ā  Zaid and Joe
My clay face was weird but I liked using my art skills to make it.Ā  Jessica I used a big stick to mix my cocktail up.Ā  Jamie
It was fun! Jacob IĀ triedĀ toĀ makeĀ mineĀ smellĀ butĀ itĀ lookedĀ better

than it smelled.Ā  Finlay

You had to go round and pick things off the ground like leaves and mud and make a smelly cocktail, it was fun.Ā  Cara I had fun making the cocktail, I think mine was the worst one.Ā  Charlie
It was really fun and me, Thalia, Siona, Sarah and AnnaĀ all put our faces on it and called it our friendship tree.Ā  Oli
Mine was ok but then I joined a team with Blair and made a really good one.Ā  Charlie ItĀ wasĀ funĀ andĀ IĀ used leaves to makeĀ itĀ haveĀ crazyĀ hair. CaraĀ 


I made a face with an open mouth and tongue out.Ā  Blair It was great fun making a clay face. Ben
WeĀ foundĀ aĀ denĀ toĀ hideĀ ours.Ā Ā Arlo
I liked my clay face, it was a cat.Ā  Finlay

Polar Explorer

We had a visit from Fraser, the weather man to tell us about his experiences in the polar regions.

He was showing us what you wear in cold climates. The best gloves to wear are the thinest ones because grip and for work projects.Ā  Arlo

Fraser was showing us what you have to wear to cover your face so that snow doesnt get into your eyes, mouth and nose.Ā  Millie

Wearing layers of thin things is warmer than wearing one thick thing.Ā  Mittens are warmer than gloves because the body heat transfers through the fingers and keeps them warm.Ā  Daisy

Looking at different parts of the world we could see what the world was made of, hot and cold climates.Ā Ā Sophia


More animals go to the Arctic because when it is really cold the ice joins Canada and South America and a part of Russia and they can travel across the ice.Ā  Joseph O

Time for an experiment!

I had to put my hand in ice and see how long I can hold it under the ice water.Ā  I managed 45 seconds.Ā  Then I had to coverĀ my hand with butter.Ā Ā I managed to hold it under water 1 minute 2 seconds.Ā  The butter made it not as sore to hold your hand in ice so it kept it warmer.Ā  Cara

It felt weird!

The butter felt soft and it stinks and when you rubbed your butter hands together it felt really warm. Blair

This is how the animals survive because it provides an additional layer of fat.Ā  Joseph O

It was slippery when you had butter hands in the water but it did keep my hand a little bit warmer.Ā  Olivia

It was really cold when I put my hand in the bowl.Ā  I tried to look like it didnt hurt but on the inside it was really cold.Ā Ā Joe W

We recorded our findings in a table and the results show that the butter hands held it in the water for nearly twice as long. Jessica

The reason for this experiment is that Fraser said the animals have fat that helps them survive and we dont have enough fat to do this. Siona


We are excited for his next visit!!

Outdoor Learning

Primary 5.1Ā were very enthusiastic about our Planet Earth context for learning. They thoroughly enjoyed working together to create shelterĀ after deforestation had cleared the land and taken their homes away.Ā Ā Ā TheĀ children had an opportunity to survey the limited resources and had to work as a team to build a shelter.


We worked together to build this shelter we call home.
It was difficult because we did not have enough resources to go round.


We had to talk to each other, share and problem solve.

Fantastic French


We have been making french superheroes. We have been learning greetings in french, how to say our names and ages.

Jamie – Salut! – Hi

Je m’appelle Sienna.

Ben – J’ai huit ans.

Je m’appelle Lucy.

Will – jai huit ans.

Je m’appelle Jacob.

Jessica – Au revoir! – Goodbye

Siona – Bonne Nuit – Good Night


Will Prentice is our star of the week for settling in well to Primary 4 and working extremely hard in numeracy!

Amazing Inventors

We have been using different materials to try to create an Egyptian Shaduf.

We had to decide on what material we wanted to use to construct it and we could make it our self or work as a group.

Our shaduf had to pivot and turn.

The Great Kapok Tree

A very big thank you to all our visitors who came to support Primary 3 in their rainforest performance. We hope you all had a good time. The children all worked very hard and enjoyed learning all of the songs and making up the actions to accompany them.

Endangered Animals of the Rainforest

We had to find out information about an endangered animal of the rainforest and create a booklet, poster or PowerPoint to show the class. We listened carefully to everyone’s presentations and asked relevant questions.

When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect. LIT 1-02a

I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features. LIT 1-24a

Crazy Golfers

In PE we have been learning how to play golf. We have been practising putting and worked in groups to design a crazy golf course.


We were learning to hit the ball soft instead of hard and we had to hit it accurately – Zaid We were making different obstacles – Siona
When you hit the ball someone would throw another ball at it to knock yours away. There was then a big arrow you had to get through and then you had to get the ball around the cones. – Sophia You had to get the ball in the red hoop – Cara
Our ball was a unicorn and you had to get it into the stable – Fraser
We had to make sure we were holding the putter correctly – Kenzie You must hit the ball lightly when you are putting – Millie
You had to think about the angle you were standing at and aim carefully with the club – Joseph

Amazing Amazonia

Primary 3 went on a school trip to Amazonia.

We learned about tropical rainforests, the plants and animals that live there and the threats that they face.

The guide told us about each different layer and we had to think about the animals that live in each layer.

She also told us about the threats to the rainforests all over the world and what we could do to help protect them.


We saw some tropical fish. There were lots of different types of monkeys.
Butterflies were flying around. These were Poison Dart Frogs.
The parrots were really noisy and one of them gave us all a big fright.
The turtles were enjoying swimming in their pond.
The guide told us lots of information about Top Right Text Here
We got to hold a snake.
the snake was cold, scaly and heavy. Most of us put the snake around our neck.
The flat tailed gecko was tickly. We had to be quiet when we held it.
The hissing cockroach was tickly too.
Soft play was great fun.
Thank you to all our helpers who got a well deserved coffee break.