Jacob brought some vegetables and herbs in to show the class. He has grown tomatoes, cucumbers, mint, rosemary, chive and parsley at home.
The class really enjoyed Jacob sharing his homework.
In PE we have been learning how to play golf. We have been practising putting and worked in groups to design a crazy golf course.
Our ball was a unicorn and you had to get it into the stable – Fraser | |
We had to make sure we were holding the putter correctly – Kenzie | You must hit the ball lightly when you are putting – Millie |
You had to think about the angle you were standing at and aim carefully with the club – Joseph |
I can describe some of the kinds of work that people do and I am finding out about the wider world of work.  HWB 1-20a
A big thank you to all our visitors that have come to P3 to tell everyone about their career.
We have been looking at the skills and qualities required for different jobs.
Some children have been impersonating a police officer over the last few weeks as they enjoyed dressing up in Mrs Sneddon’s police uniform.
Marci’s dad brought along his camera and showed everyone how to make a film.
Bonnie’s dad told us all about being a Forester. It sounded like a fabulous job and the children asked lots of interesting questions.
I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical activities. HWB 1-23a
The children worked collaboratively to create there own games in the playground.
They made up rules for their games and each group had to explain them to the class, and lead the class when playing their game.
The class gave feedback after each game looking at what worked well and any improvements that could be made.
Lots of people dropped the ball or didn’t throw it back very well. | They had to throw another ball between 2, ten times. |
We threw the ball up in the air and caught it ten times. |
We saw how far we could travel balancing the ball on the bat. | You had to get the ball in the hoop. |
One group made up a game of football v basketball. This was fun but quite hard.
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Primary 3.1 have been learning how to work together to create circuits which increase stamina. We had to trust each other, be friends and decide on our rules together. Working as a team meant we had to listen to others ideas. It was important we made our circuit safe so no one could hurt themselves. We had to make it clear what each person was expected to do by demonstrating our station. As well as learning we had to make it safe, challenging and fun. We got to try out each station, gave feedback and made adjustments where necessary. We are now confident working together and can make amazing things if we work well together. Most of us were out of breath too meaning we were improving our stamina!
We all discussed the skills and qualities we would need for different jobs. We decided what we would like to work as when we are older and got dressed up for the day.
I would like to care for animals and make them better so I would like to be a Vet.
I would like to be a Footballer because I love football.
I want to be an Occupational Therapist because I like helping people.
I would like to be a Footballer because it’s a fun sport and you get a chance to win medals and make friends.
I would like to be a Teacher so I can help people learn better or a Horse-rider and have my own horse.
I want to be a You Tuber because I like watching You Tubers. I’ve made some things already and want to make more.
I would like to be a Problem Solver as I think it would be fun.
I am artistic and I want to make people look beautiful so I would like to be a Beautician.
I would like to be a Pop Star because I like music.
I would like to be a Vet to help animals that are sick.
I want to be a Police Officer so I can save people from drowning and can catch bad guys.
I want to be a beautician so I can help people look nice.
I want to be a Police Officer because they can run after people and they can dive into the water.
I want to be a Police Officer so I can make the world a better place.
I want to be a Footballer because they can make lots of money.
I want to be a Doctor in a hospital because my big cousin is a Doctor.
I want to be a Coder. I want to know more about electronics, make apps and upgrade apps.
I want to be a Quad Biker as I want to do stunts.
I would like to be a Head Teacher or  Pop Star. I want to look after children in school and keep them safe.
I want to be a gamer as I’d like to make games.
I would like to be a Doctor in a hospital. I’d like to make children better and to see inside people.
If I become a Dentist I will help people when their teeth are sore and I will get lots of money.
I would like to be a Vet so I could save animals because I really love them.
I would like to be a You Tuber or Singer as I like to entertain people.
I would like to be an architect. It would be good to design buildings and know that it was me that made them.
I am already a You Tuber. I want to make more and get famous.
I think being a Vet would be fun.
I want to be a Game Designer then I could make up my own games.
We have started Judo lessons. Watch out all parents as we may need to practise on someone!
Liam – It was awesome.
Fraser – It was very scary when I got tipped over.
Cara – It was fun.
Lucy – It was funny how I got to do skipping, then I got flipped over.
Sophia – It was very funny when I had to demonstrate something and I got thrown on the floor.
We are enjoying being back at school, being with our friends and playing together during our first Golden Time.
Here are some thoughts we had about coming back to school and our first few weeks.
Sophie – My group seem really happy.
Kenzie – We like to draw, paint and cut out.
Fraser – We were very excited about coming into our new classroom.
Sarah – I really liked coming back to school.
Daisy – I was nervous.
Liam – I liked going back to school.
Joseph – We’ve had loads and loads of work to do.