Primary 5.1 wanted to learn about different countries this term.
We listed the countries and had a class vote. The outcome was that we would learn about China. We were also given the opportunity to compare China not just with Scotland but with the countries we had chosen that did not win the vote.
We looked at China on a map and identified the cities and surrounding countries.
In literacy we used Wordsmith to read The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China and then write a report.
We used the VR headsets to visit Great Wall of China and Chinese classroom. This was great as I didn’t know the classrooms are so big and how massive The Great Wall is!! Finlay
I liked seeing the lantern festival using the VR headets, it was really cool and a nice place to be at. Liam
I loved listening to the music and learning the dances and we even choreographed our own Chinese fan dance. Olivia
The story of Nian the Dragon was really good and learning how the Chinese Zodiac was created was very interesting. Zaid
Our assembly was great and it was good fun and surprised the audience when the dragon came down the aisle to our drum music. Mia
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![]() We invited Mr Zhang in to talk to the class about Chinese culture. I liked when he taught us how to say peoples names and he showed us the really difficult name for a certain type of noodle. Cara He taught us how to write a basic word and then build on that to make more words. Will Having someone who had grown up in Beijing, China coming to talk to us let us compare education in China to education in Scotland. Sarah M The further up you hold your chop sticks shows how rich you are. He said this is because rich people have more food and have to stretch further across the table to reach the food. We also learned that it is rude to point chop sticks at anyone. Jamie |
![]() We had a wonderful Mandarin teacher. We learnt a song that Choi taugh us. It was about greetings and family. I got to perform the actions to the class, I felt nervous. Thalia The class performed an assembly to the school and to the parents. We applied our learning and confidently performed this song with actions. Joe To take our learning one step forward we wanted to put the song Choi taught us so everyone knew how to say; hello, goodbye, mum, dad, family and I love my family in Mandarin. Sophia