Primary 3.1 used their experience of the Rio Olympics and Paralympics as a stimulus to create a collage. They were also being Eco friendly by using recycled paint and old containers.
They made silhouette paintings of a variety of sports from both the Olympics and Paralympics. Can you guess each sport?
Liam – The Roving Reporter
Siona – It was fun painting. Jamie – I really liked the real Olympics. Fraser – We kept getting the paint all over the table so we had to be careful. Zaid – I liked painting.
” I was teaching P1 about my product”. Thalia Stewart
” I am showing P1 my invention”. Oliver Rissmann
Jamie explaining how his robot recycles rubbish.
” I was showing my cousin my invention. She was asking questions and I was answering them. Robo Bird collects rubbish from the ground and puts it in the bin by pooping it out!” Finlay Macdonald
The Science Centre – Learning across stages!
” I was practising inventions” Olivia Mason
Lucy McAllister “I was explaining what it says on the poster and what my invention does”.
“I was practising how to talk about my invention.” Sarah McKenzie
“My invention took ten minutes to make. It picks up litter and munches it up and makes it into LEGO!” Oliver Rissmann
Robo Bird
Siona Sircar” My invention helps the environment”.
” My invention recycles food waste into new food for poor people” Millie Taggart
Arlo Barsanti ” This is Roger the Rubbish Robot but he is not really rubbish! The rubbish is sucked up the arms…………………….
Thalia Stewart ” This is a Bird and Bees B and B. The solar panels catch the energy from the sun and warm up the earth so that worms and flowers can live. Then the birds and bees will have food to eat. That is how it helps the environment”
” I made a model and a poster” Daisy McLean
Daisy McLean ” It is called the Clean Clean Machine. It sucks the bad and makes flowers………
Sarah Sneddon ” I made a pollution Pump. It takes polluted air and turns it into cheap electricity. I helps the environment and poor people.”
“My machine recycles paper, plastic and glass and turns it into seeds for the birds.” Blair Mann
Jamie McFarlane “This is Muncher the Environment Friendly Robot. He is solar powered and recycles bad air to make clean air. He recycles.”
Olivia Andrews “This is The Marvellous Bin. It sucks up the things and I was going to make a remote control too. It means you only need one bin and it helps the environment.”
Ben Casey” This is Ben’s Bag for Life. I made it with an old top. It has handles. I decorated it with bottle tops. It helps the environment because you don’t have plastic bags.”
James Malcolm-Blyth “The Litter Fighting Machine goes round the streets picking up litter and switching off lights. I made a model and a poster.”
“The Tap Timer. Why not get one for your home? It helps the environment because it stops you wasting water. You can turn it from 1 up to 5 and it stops the tap from running.” Lucy McAllister
Sophia Barclay “I made a solar powered litter collector. The balloons help it float. The water gets sucked up the pipe and the litter gets trapped. I was going to make a remote control like Olivia’s to make it come back to be emptied. It helps the environment because it helps the rivers, seas and oceans.”
We had a visit from Andy from SSPCA. ” We were learning about wild animals. 03000 999 999 is the number you call if an animal needs help”. Sarah McKenzie & Mia Lafferty
“I was asking a question about the owl’s wings”. Logan Hart
“I got a question right for the boys team”.Fraser Tweedlie
“I won a card in the quiz. I used the clues to work out that it was a red squirrel”. Marci Burt
Primary 2 have been learning about important inventions and how they affect people and the environment.
We have been listening and watching for useful information. We have taken notes and made books for the class library about John Logie Baird and Alexander Graham Bell. We will be researching more inventors and their inventions………….
We have planned a trip to the Science Centre in April.
Primary 2 have accepted a challenge to invent something that will help fix an environmental problem. All designs, presentations and patents are due on 10th March………………………………..
Primary 2 have been very busy organising a Fair Trade Café, writing letters to local businesses, sending out invitations to our Big Breakfast and creating Fair Trade pieces of art.
We would like to say a huge “Thank You” to our community business partners for donating so generously to our Big Fair Trade Breakfast. Thanks to Coop (Clarkston), Scotmid (Eaglesham & Mearns), Morrisons(Giffnock), Tesco(Silverburn) and Eaglesham Bakers! Special thanks to our very own star baker, Mrs Parker, who baked delicious Fair Trade cakes! Thanks to all the staff who helped to serve our guests.
Mrs Howard and Mrs Wight promoting Fair Trade!
Oliver” I was telling my family about Fair Trade”.
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“I was getting Fair Trade cake. I enjoyed the breakfast and cake.” Thalia
” Iwas learning to make orange juice and don’t get it in your eye because it stings!” Olivia Mason
” That was our Fair Trade wall” Mia Lafferty
” We made a Fair Trade lady out of wrappers”. Siona and Mia
We are learning about different fuels and how they are used.
We invited an engineer from the local wind farm to teach us about wind turbines. We listened and watched for useful information. We wrote notes and asked questions.
“Mr. Chand told us that electricity is all around us. We were learning about windfarms” Ben Casey
We got a torch and a piggy bank and a mug.
“We were making notes. We were listening for information.” Jamie McFarlane
“We learned about wind turbines and how long they are and what they are made of”. Siona Sircar