Category Archives: Eco

Lovely Lush

Primary 5 had a visit from Lush today.


Callum and Katie were talking to us about the recycling policy Lush have.

They recyle plastic bottles and they put it in a machine which spins it into thin threads and they use this to make head scarfs and they use this instead of wrapping paper as packaging.   Cara

I used a biodegradable toothbrush and brushed my teeth with charcoal toothpaste.  Did you know that toothpaste has small pieces of plastic in it?  Arlo

My teeth did not stay this colour!

I learned that Lush do not test their products on animals.  They fight to reduce plastic in the ocean.  I also got to put a cat bath bomb into the water.  Oliver


This head scarf is made from 2 litre plastic bottles. I liked learning about the products and we got to pass round the bath bombs.  They have a shampoo bar which you can use 80/100 times so this reduces plastic waste because if you had the liquid one it would be in a plastic bottle and might not do as many washes.  Will

Bikeability Level 1

My favourite part was going in and out the cones because it helped me control my bike with balance and concentration.  Zaid The slow race was great because I was putting my foot down but kept on trying.  Sarah S

I was falling off a few times but I did not give up because I want to get better.  Liam The part when you had to high five each other was great because you had to balance and use different hands to control your bike.  Daisy

Woodland Explorers

Primary 5.1 had a wonderful time on our Woodland Explorers visit to Rouken Glen.

Katy was our guide.

I created a face out of clay and used leaves to decorate it. Will

We were making mud cocktails and had to find ingredients to add into it.  Thalia

My mud cocktail had a fresh smell to it! Zaid

It smelt good before we added the pumpkin. Olivia and Sarah The badger was blind folded and got to hold a spray bottle so they could spray people who tried to get the worms (spoons).  I got the worm straight away and didn’t get sprayed.  It was fun.  Blair
I used my art skills to make a clay face.  Siona We found a lot of things to make our faces.  Sienna

I think my face looks really weird.  Mia

Mine looks like Clyde the Commonwealth games mascot.  Joseph More than one funny face!
I made a brilliant mud cocktail.  Liam It was fun to make cocktails, mine spelt like rotten eggs.  Lucy
Mine smelled like pumpkin guts and looked disgusting.  Millie  I was the badger and couldn’t see so had 

to use good listening skills.   Mia

It was really fun making a face out of clay because we got 

to pick a tree to make it on.  Marci

Top Left Text Here We made cocktails but were not to drink them.  Zaid and Joe
My clay face was weird but I liked using my art skills to make it.  Jessica I used a big stick to mix my cocktail up.  Jamie
It was fun! Jacob I tried to make mine smell but it looked better

than it smelled.  Finlay

You had to go round and pick things off the ground like leaves and mud and make a smelly cocktail, it was fun.  Cara I had fun making the cocktail, I think mine was the worst one.  Charlie
It was really fun and me, Thalia, Siona, Sarah and Anna all put our faces on it and called it our friendship tree.  Oli
Mine was ok but then I joined a team with Blair and made a really good one.  Charlie It was fun and I used leaves to make it have crazy hair. Cara 


I made a face with an open mouth and tongue out.  Blair It was great fun making a clay face. Ben
We found a den to hide ours.  Arlo
I liked my clay face, it was a cat.  Finlay

Lets make a plastic bottle greenhouse!

Liam – We were putting bottles on a cane.

Oliver – Mr Stern drilled holes in the bottles and we had to feed the bottles onto bamboo canes.

Finlay – I made lots of canes but the bottles kept falling off. Liam, Joseph and I fixed them.

Joseph O – Mr Stern helped us sort the bottles on the canes and it will make the walls of the greenhouse.

Joe W -We need more clear bottles to build the rest of the greenhouse.

Jessica – We need 350 more 2L bottles! Please hand them in.

Money Trees

We have been finding out about all of the jobs Primary 3 pupils have been doing at home to earn money for their money trees.

Well done to all those that took part. We hope the children will continue to do their good deeds at home.

All money raised will be given to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Thank you to everyone for your support and donations.

Endangered Animals of the Rainforest

We had to find out information about an endangered animal of the rainforest and create a booklet, poster or PowerPoint to show the class. We listened carefully to everyone’s presentations and asked relevant questions.

When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect. LIT 1-02a

I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features. LIT 1-24a