Category Archives: Community

Community Links

Mrs Cuthbertson – Scout Talk

Zaid – She told us facts about Scouts, Cubs and Beavers.

Olivia A – She showed us all the uniforms. She told us how much it cost and she showed us what they do.

Campus Cop

Liam – We got to try on the police uniform and it was fun. One of the teachers got handcuffs on.

Community Litter Pick

Lepra Workout

Story Teller

Joe – He is very funny and he has a good sense of humour. The viking in the story had a really nice personality.

Lucy – He is really funny and he sang a song about a cat.

James- He made up really funny stories and he said them with a lot of expression.

P7 Teachers

James Edgar

Jessica – Badminton is on a Saturday at 9am. Primary 4 to 7 can go to this club.

Library Visit

Jamie – I loved their books and their library was perfect.

Try a Sport: Karate

Oli – Karate is exciting and we got to do karate on a partner. We learned lots of different moves.

Jamie – It was good and we got lessons in how to kick, punch and block.

Fraser – I think karate was good because we got to learn how to do self defence.

Lucy – I like karate because you get to learn how to fight people and defend yourself.

Money Trees

We have been finding out about all of the jobs Primary 3 pupils have been doing at home to earn money for their money trees.

Well done to all those that took part. We hope the children will continue to do their good deeds at home.

All money raised will be given to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Thank you to everyone for your support and donations.

The Great Kapok Tree

A very big thank you to all our visitors who came to support Primary 3 in their rainforest performance. We hope you all had a good time. The children all worked very hard and enjoyed learning all of the songs and making up the actions to accompany them.

Amazing Amazonia

Primary 3 went on a school trip to Amazonia.

We learned about tropical rainforests, the plants and animals that live there and the threats that they face.

The guide told us about each different layer and we had to think about the animals that live in each layer.

She also told us about the threats to the rainforests all over the world and what we could do to help protect them.


We saw some tropical fish. There were lots of different types of monkeys.
Butterflies were flying around. These were Poison Dart Frogs.
The parrots were really noisy and one of them gave us all a big fright.
The turtles were enjoying swimming in their pond.
The guide told us lots of information about Top Right Text Here
We got to hold a snake.
the snake was cold, scaly and heavy. Most of us put the snake around our neck.
The flat tailed gecko was tickly. We had to be quiet when we held it.
The hissing cockroach was tickly too.
Soft play was great fun.
Thank you to all our helpers who got a well deserved coffee break.

Owl Adventures




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