Category Archives: Achievements

Bikeability Level 1

My favourite part was going in and out the cones because it helped me control my bike with balance and concentration.  Zaid The slow race was great because I was putting my foot down but kept on trying.  Sarah S

I was falling off a few times but I did not give up because I want to get better.  Liam The part when you had to high five each other was great because you had to balance and use different hands to control your bike.  Daisy

This week in P4.1

Today we showed racism the red card. We wore something red to stand up against racism.

For maths we went outdoors. We collected data on the colour of cars that passed the school. We came into class and displayed this in a bar graph.

Jacob- I liked being outside.

Zaid- we done a survey about colours of cars and white won.

Finlay- The task was more fun than textbook work but it was boring waiting for cars to pass the school.

We also presented our Scottish food talk. Mrs Martin was very impressed with our talks.

Lucy- my talk was on Abroth Smokies. I presented clearly.

Olivia- I created a PowerPoint on Scottish beef. Scottish beef comes from cows.

Marci- I researched Scottish tablet and it is yummy.


First Week in Primary 4

We have had a great first week in Primary 4!

Blair – We were doing interesting maths. We made questions to describe ourselves. For example, Age: 4 x 2 = 8.

Sophia – We made a postcard for Mrs Martin about our Summer holidays. We drew pictures of our holidays in the sunglasses.

Siona – we all made silhouettes.A silhouette

is a outline of a person but we made ours colourful and interesting!

We filled it with what we like.

Zaid – We took pictures of our class and in this photo we could make a funny face!


Money Trees

We have been finding out about all of the jobs Primary 3 pupils have been doing at home to earn money for their money trees.

Well done to all those that took part. We hope the children will continue to do their good deeds at home.

All money raised will be given to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Thank you to everyone for your support and donations.

The Great Kapok Tree

A very big thank you to all our visitors who came to support Primary 3 in their rainforest performance. We hope you all had a good time. The children all worked very hard and enjoyed learning all of the songs and making up the actions to accompany them.

Life Savers in P2! HEARTSTART

We have been learning what to do

in emergency situations,

who to ask for help

and what we can do to save lives.


SDC11903Finlay  and Katie from P5 demonstrated what to say and do if someone is unconscious. SDC11906Emma and Niamh from P5 showed us how to put someone in the recovery position.
SDC11910Call 999 for an emergency. SDC11908Sarah and Kenzie worked in a pair to practise putting a person into the recovery position.
SDC11909Lucy checked for danger before approaching Oliver to offer her help. SDC11907Sarah shouted for help. She gently shaked the casualty to check if he was conscious. Next she checked for signs of normal breathing.
SDC11904Finlay gave very clear instructions on the steps to follow.

P5 and P2 worked together to share learning and possibly save a life one day. A most important lesson!