We used leaves to create the 5 times table. We found leaves that had 5 points. Here is Sarah, Thalia and Olivia’s 5 times table.
Joseph O found 17 leaves. As a class we worked out that 17 x 5 = 85.
Olivia Mason – If your pet has died, your friends can help you and cheer you up.
Sarah McKenzie – If you’re feeling nervous your friends can say you can do it!
Kenzie McKinnon – If you are sad I will come and give you a lollipop.
Finlay Macdonald – When someone is about to run a mile you can support them.
Cara Adams – If someone drops something you can go and help them find it.
Daisy McLean – When someone is scared you can support them.
Logan Hart – If you find someone that’s upset you can actually help them.
Fraser Tweedlie – If they are sad you can help them by playing with them.
Oliver Rissman – If you saw someone crying or getting bullied, you can go over and say stop that’s my friend, please stop bullying them.
Sienna Leitch – If somebody falls you can go help them.
Blair Mann – Support people if they fall and hurt themselves.
Lucy McAllister – If someone hurt someone’s feelings you could get the other person to say sorry to them.
Sophia Barclay – If someone was hurting someone else you could say stop it.
Sarah Sneddon – If you were nervous someone could come up to you and say don’t worry you can do it.
Ben Casey – If someone fell you could take them to the medical room.
Arlo Barsanti – If someone was upset you could give them give them a treat to make them happy.
Joe Wilson – If you friend broke their toy, you could help them fix it and play with it afterwards with them.
Jacob Taylor – If they are hurt you can help them.
Today we showed racism the red card. We wore something red to stand up against racism.
For maths we went outdoors. We collected data on the colour of cars that passed the school. We came into class and displayed this in a bar graph.
Jacob- I liked being outside.
Zaid- we done a survey about colours of cars and white won.
Finlay- The task was more fun than textbook work but it was boring waiting for cars to pass the school.
We also presented our Scottish food talk. Mrs Martin was very impressed with our talks.
Lucy- my talk was on Abroth Smokies. I presented clearly.
Olivia- I created a PowerPoint on Scottish beef. Scottish beef comes from cows.
Marci- I researched Scottish tablet and it is yummy.
We have been learning some traditional Scottish ceilidh dances. We now know how to do The Dashing White Sergeant and we have started to learn the Gay Gordons. Watch this space for our next video.
We have been using our voices to discover and enjoy rhythm.
Jamie- we clapped tiri-tiri and tiri-te rhythms.
Oliver- we played two games today.
Daisy- tiri-tiri is worth 1 beat.
Joe- ti is worth a quarter beat.
Millie- tiri-te is worth 1 beat.
Logan – We were learning about HTU outdoors.
Fraser – It was fun!
Liam – It was cool!
Blair – I liked this task more because we had contact with our friends and could work together.
We had to collect three different types of nature (e.g. shells, twigs and leaves). They represented our hundreds, tens and units.
We have been using iPads to search for information about Scotland. We have been searching for the temperature, area, height and length of different things in Scotland.
Will – Our school has 410 children me and ben found that out on the ipads
Ben – The area of Scotland is 71km squared.
Arlo – Ben Nevis is 1345 m.
Siona and Sarah –Â Â The area of Scotland is 80,077km.
Kenzie – There are 7 cities in Scotland.